Chapter 15 - Awkwardness is Key

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So above or to the side is the outfit Lily will be wearing on her date, if she goes of course.

I also thought it was that time again where I tell you that sadly, these awesome characters are not mine except for like three. They belong to the incredibly talented J.K. Rowling.

Lily's POV
I flopped down, groaning. "Ugh."

Mary chuckled. "Ugh is right. I thought you were going to Azkaban or something! You were dancing around and screaming. And you had this look in your eye, kinda like you'd just murdered Dumbledore and needed help hiding a body before the Aurors arrived."

"Well I can't help it!" I sighed in frustration, running a hand through my hair. "What am I supposed to do?!"

After talking to James in that classroom, I sprinted and found Mary ASAP. She was the best at giving relationship advice out of the other girls for three reasons.

1. Marlene would say "What's the big deal? Just go snog him or something."

2. Alice would just compare them to Frank. "Well Frank likes blah so do blah. Frank hates blah so don't give him blah."

3. Juniper would be all "I don't have a relationship. *sigh*"

I mean I love them, but jeez. Do they want to ruin my chances with James? Because I know for a fact that James would think I was insane, he hates sweet potatoes(Frank's favorite) and doesn't like sad people.

It's not like I make it my purpose in life to know everything about him. *clears thought awkwardly*

"So him taking some pretty cute pictures of you is creepy and like the worst thing ever, but when you do something just as stalkerish it's fine?"

"What? Did I s-" I exclaimed.

Mary rolled her eyes, interrupting me. "Yes, Lily, you did. Now let's focus on the matter at hand and then get you mental help. Explain what happened after you left one more time."

I grumbled. "This is the fifth time!" She gave me a look. "Fine. I was about fifteen feet out the door when he sprinted after me. He said 'So, like is that a no? Or a yes? Anyways, I'll be at The Three Broomsticks next Hogsmeade trip around 1:00. I'd be happy if you joined me.' and then he just sprinted off! I mean like....UGH!"

Mary placed her hands on my shoulders, shaking me around. "Get a grip! Just go meet him! I mean your date isn't even that close! Saturday Lily! And it's Monday!"

I straightened out my hair, trying to figure out what would go with my utter and absolute gingerness. "But that's my point, Mary. Slughorn paired us up again, but it's even worse this time. How am I supposed to concentrate on potions when I'm working with a guy I might go out with! Not to mention, how am I supposed to survive a week with him! We have the same friends!"

She patted me on the back. "Remember when Amos broke up with me but we had that divination thing? I had to spend a month talking about dreams with him!" I grinned at her.

"So outfit?"

"Well I was thinking you would look great in this navy dress thing in that catalog. I even found some super cute boots and a scarf." Mary responded.

"You're my savior, Mary! Now let's go hide from Potter and talk to the girls!"

"You know we really need a cool name like the Marauders. It'd be fun and could help us in our 'doing more' part of our year. How about the JUS? Jily's United Shippers?" She smirked. I elbowed her in the ribs.

"Fine, fine! How about James Potter's Fanclub, headed by Lily Evans." Her smirk grew.

"Watch it MacDonald. And I'm pretty sure that already exists, except for the me being in charge bit."

She laughed, and we rushed of to find Alice, Marlene and Juniper.

***********USES TARDIS************

I spotted James walking towards me so I ducked behind Alice, who was closest. Juniper grabbed Alice, Mary and Marlene and drug them away. Thanks for leaving me guys.

"Lily! That's not going to work! Have...have you been avoiding me?" He ran a hand through his hair, tousling it even more. It was pretty adorable. "I-I mean you don't have to......"

I blinked, staring at him. "Um, well no, err- Ijustdidntwantthingstobeawkwardbut thatfailedprettybadly.Ijuststilldontknowwhatmyfeelingsare." I took a deep breath, shifting my bag to my left shoulder.

"Oh. Well, we could umm, pretend it never happened, any of it and be friends until you're sure." he mumbled looking slightly crestfallen.

I smiled up at him a little. "James, I really appreciate that, but I don't want to forget or pretend that what happened didn't. I don't because I," I slipped my hand into his and held up our entwined fingers. "I liked it. And I like us. I said I still don't understand my feelings, but I know one thing. They're good. We're good, James."

His beautiful hazel eyes met mine and in an instant I was wrapped up in his arms. "I like us too Lilyflower. I like us too."

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