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"Ma....Why do they cry out for help?"

"Your hear them two huh...."


"I don't know hunny..."

"Oh......I wish they would just stop"

*Beep Beep Beep*

"Ugh" a not so morning person, raven groaned. He got up from his bed and slammed shut his alarm clock. "The same dream..."

He got up from his bed and went to his connected bathroom. The raven turned his shower on to warm and striped his clothes, throwing them into the floor and went in the shower. After his long warm shower he came out and got dressed in his new uniform.

He got out of his room and headed to the kitchen. "Good morning Sasuke!"

Sasuke flinched at the sudden yell. He looked to the side and saw his prefect older brother, Itachi Uchiha. He was sitting on Sasuke favorite spot which was near the front door. His mother Mikoto Uchiha, was cooking a serving food to the other two Uchiha's. Fugaku Uchiha, Sasuke father was sitting on the his usual spot near the stairs, reading a newspaper.

The youngest Uchiha groaned and sat where the older Uchiha once sat before stealing his spot, which was next to him and his father. His mother passed him his plate. Fugaku looked at him and lowered his newspaper. "Sasuke, do you have any of electives in mind?"

Sasuke looked up and faced his father. "No I haven't. Non of them caught my interest."

The younger raven continued to eat his breakfast as the older raven smiled. "Well I've sighed you up on one."


Sasuke replied. He couldn't really give a damn about all of this, he was already a A's student. Not once in his life that he failed a test or any assignments. Fugaku looked at him seriously. "Listen Sasuke this elective isn't something you can just be like "Okay I don't care it's just a random class" No it's a special class that all us Uchiha's have already taken, it's just you know since your the youngest Uchiha in our family." 

Sasuke looked up from his plate and watched his father explain about this "Special class" He choose for him. "This class we've all been to has two options for you. We can't say what they are or what you choose. It's you chose if you want to or not." 

'Choose what? Want what or not? I'm confused.' Sasuke thought and continued to eat and listen to his family. "Listen little brother. It'll change your life when you choose what you want." 

"Okay, can I leave now I'll be late if I don't get there on time." Sasuke simply said and got up from his chair. Itachi sighed as well as Fugaku. Mikoto just watched and sweat dropped. Sasuke left the mansion with his backpack. He took his brother's car for revenge, to school. 

"He didn't take it seriously did he." Fugaku said sweat dropping a little. Itachi sighed and looked over to his mother who nodded no. "Well whatever happens I just hope he choose what he really wants."  

Mikoto said while she washed their dirty dishes. "Hn"


Sasuke finally got to school under ten minute and parked his car under the school building. He got out and grabbed his backpack and took his schedule. 


English - Kakashi 

Math - Iruka 

Science - Kurenai 

Gym - Gai 

- Lunch -

Social Studies - Asuma 



Elective teacher note - Your schedule will change based on your answer. 


"Elective teacher? Is this persons name hidden or something? And I'm missing a class." Sasuke mumbled to himself and sighed. He went to his first class. He found a spot that was open and sat down near the window. He looked out the window since he didn't really have friends. Well he did have some friends but they weren't in this class with him to hang out and stuff.

Many fan girls came up to Sasuke and started say random stuff that he never wanted to hear since they were gross, nasty, loving, and dirty. His simply ignored them while he spoke and took pics of him and posting it on their insta, lying about their relationship.  

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