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Naruto's POV: 

Since I can't go back home till this teme gets his mark imma have to stay here and wait till he gets it or else I'm dead for sure. It's 6 in the morning and Sasuke is getting ready for school. I have to sadly follow him wherever he goes because since he's awakened me there's going to be a lot of killing.

I laid down on his bed and watched the wall window. "It's raining."

I looked out the window staring at the rain drops that heavily came down and gray clouds. The windows were getting fogged as well as the outside. It's a foggy, rainy day.

No one POV UvU:

Sasuke came out of the bathroom with his uniform on. He looked at Naruto who was just looking outside. He watched as Naruto's lips were a bit parted and his tan skin glowing in the dark room.  He watched as Naruto's blue eye's fixed themselves on the open window, just staring at the outside rainy, and foggy world. Out of nowhere as Sasuke stared at Naruto's beautiful face, he noticed nine golden tails that laid spread on his bed. His tails glow orange as they just laid there. Sasuke's eyes went up to the blonde demons and suddenly their eyes locked with each other. Blue stared into onyx endlessly. It seemed like time had stopped when they stared into each other's orbs. Naruto opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by the door. 

*Knock Knock*

"Sasuke! Are you ready yet?" Mikoto yelled threw the door. "Your brother is waiting for you in the kitchen. He's going to be dropping you off!" Sasuke looked over at the door then Naruto. "Let's go." He said and picked up his bag. "Huuuuhhh, you're making me go to school with youuuu!" Naruto whined. "Yes, because I can't trust what you might do to my room or the house while I'm gone."

Naruto pouted and followed Sasuke. Sasuke opened the door and went out closing it. "Oi! Teme you almost hit me!" Naruto yelled as the flew around Sasuke. Sasuke kept his normal expression and walked down the stairs. Naruto looked around the room and saw all the pictures and painting on the walls. He saw a little Sasuke and burst out laughing. "Hahaha that's you!!!" he pointed and laughed see a very cute Sasuke in a bathtub covered in blue paint. Sasuke just rolled his eyes and thought of why they thought it would be a great idea of having the picture there. 'Shut up.'

Once the two were down they saw Itachi eating a bread. "Ready?"


"Let's go then." Itachi got up and got his keys. They left the house with Naruto floating next to them. Itachi entered the car as Sasuke was going for the front seat till, he realized Naruto was with him too. Naruto couldn't get in the car because for that he had to open the door and he can't just go through the door. Sasuke sighed and got in the backseat with Naruto entering first. Itachi looked back at Sasuke who stared out the window. "You want to sit in the back?"

Sasuke nodded and looked back outside. Naruto sat on the other side and had his face on the window. He's never seen the human world like this.

Once they arrived Naruto immediately noticed all the demons larking in the buildings and next to humans. "What the heck!" Naruto said. "You see this!?" Naruto yelled at Sasuke. 'I do. I've always seen them.'

"Then why didn't you do anything?" Naruto asked. 'What am I supposed to do. I have nothing.' Sasuke glared. Naruto noticed all demons making noises that sounded like cry. He wanted to help them but knowing what he was here for he didn't do anything. He wanted to free these demons so they could go peacefully. They walked into the building with many fan girls following Sasuke. They entered the classroom, and the teacher there began to teach. "Ughhh why do I have to be hereeee!" Naruto complied as he was forced to listen the lesson that was getting taught. "I have been in a room for this longggg."

Sasuke just ignored Naruto and continued doing his work. "Hey, are you ignoring me!?" Sasuke just mentally rolled his eyes as Naruto kept on compiling and talking. After when class was finally over Sasuke headed to his last class of the day. He was the first to arrive. "Where are we?" Naruto asked and looked around the whole spacey room. "Because this is my last class. You might see some people you know." Sasuke said as he placed his bag on the floor and sat down on the chair that was assigned to him. After a few moments everyone started showing up. Naruto studies all of the students that came in the room and sat down. Finally, all of them were sat and now they were just waiting for their teacher. 

"Is your teacher even going to show up? What's this class for anyway?" Naruto asked floating next to Sasuke. 'He takes his time. Very annoying.' Sasuke responded. Finally, what felt like hours Kakashi came in. "Well, hello everyone!" He greeted. "I'm sorry I took time you see I just got lo-"

"Oh, stop sensei its gettin old." Kiba said crossing his arms. Shikamaru just sighed and laid on his arms. Neji and Hinata sat just watched along with Sai. "Well then let's get started. Seems like everyone is here except Shion." Kakashi said. Naruto looked around and saw everyone. Kakashi began the lesson and asked everyone to bring their guardians out. Kiba brought out Shino, Shikamaru brought out Choji, Sai brought out Ino, Neji brought out Lee, and Hinata brought out Sakura. 

Before Kakashi could say anything else all five guardians brought out their weapons and guarded their owners. "What the-" Kiba began.

Everyone was shocked even Sasuke. "What is going on?" Kakashi asked shocked from their behavior. "I feel dark energy." Ino began. "A very well-known one." Shino said as he got his arms on guard. "Kyuubi is here." Sakura finished. 


Lmao I haven't updated this story in like forever XD.
I'm pretty sure a few more chapters and this story will be finished. 
I'll get updating on this story.

and also


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