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Naruto floated upside down since he was bored behind Sasuke. It's been about 25 minutes since they last slaughtered any low rank demon. They've just been walking around doing nothing now. "I'm so boreddd" Naruto groaned.


"Hn." Sasuke had to admit he was bored now but he was getting suspicious about all demons. None of them have approached him in the past 25 minutes. In the past all of them came right up to him and attacked him head on but now none of them are showing. Is it possible he got rid of all demons?

"That can be a possibility..." Sasuke said in a low whisper putting his fingers on his chin. "Hey, Naruto, do you think-"

"Wait shh..." Naruto hushed as he heard something head. Sasuke raised a eyebrow and wondered what Naruto was doing. "I hear something ahead... and it doesn't sound like a low rank demon."

"What do you mean?"

Naruto went ahead and followed where the sound is coming from. He hide behind a bushed and watched what was happening. "What's going on?" Sasuke whispered following Naruto behind the bush. Naruto pointed a head and Sasuke's eyes widened. He was shocked at what he was looking at. "Is that even possible?"

There in front of them was a giant demon eating other smaller demons to become bigger. "Apparently is it." Naruto said.

"It's eating other demons to become stronger... usually this isn't possible but.... this only happens if the demon came from Arura." Naruto said placing his fingers on his chin. "Arura?" Sasuke questioned. Naruto's eyes widened realizing what he had just said. "No, never mind its nothing."

Sasuke didn't buy it he noticed that Naruto was hiding something from him. From the very start Sasuke had his suspicion.

"Your-" Sasuke stopped talking when he heard the demon/monster yell in anger. His yell was very loud no doubt everyone heard it.

"What was that?" Kiba said looked up at Shino in surprise. "I'm not sure."

Neji stopped walking and Lee just punched a demon to a rock. Neji looked at Lee and Lee nodded sprinting up and looking where that noise came from.

Ino and Sai had just knocked down a demon into a river as he faded away. (Ik I never said this before but demons in this case will fade away if they are splashed with water or lighted up with fire...but thats only for some) "What was that?" Sai questioned. "That sounded like a angry demon!"

Choji just kicked a demon with his giant foot while Shikamaru watched. After the roar they both paused. "What a drag." Shikamaru yawned.

Hinata and Sakura were just walking around till they heard the loud roar. "What could that be it was so loud." Hinata said. Sakura agreed.

All demons (expect Lee and Naruto) thought about the noise till their eyes widened. "Wait could that be..." Sakura whispered to herself.

"Thats gotta be him..." Choji said.

'Naruto is attacking!'


Kakashi was reading his lovely book called "Icha Icha" while giggling at the very detailed paragraph till he heard the loud roar coming from his left. "Hm?"

*Bizzed* "Kakashi, there's been an incident."

"That angry yelled is the incident am I right?"

"Y-yes sir, a low rank demon had ranked up by eating other demons it seems."

"Eating other demons? That not heard of." Kakashi thought about till he came to a conclusion. He got up and spoke "Get rid of that demon. It's from Arura."

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