Chapter 34

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"Finally here" Matt sighed as he tried his best to walk with his crutches through the airport.

I grabbed our bags and rolled them to a seating area where we were going to wait for our bus to arrive.

Matt was annoyed I grabbed the bags and carried them, but he had no other choice. We made small talk until the bus drive arrived at the airport. We all walked to the bus and got in. We were meant to have a bus all along, but things went wrong with it and we had to take planes, which was even more expensive then I ever desired.

We were taken to a hotel that wasn't too far away. We unloaded the bus and got our rooms. After settling in we just sat around and talked. The boys had a meet and greet tonight and everyone was so pumped about it. Apparently it's going to be one of their biggest shows.

"Guys five minutes!" The manager called from door of Carters room.

We all went to our separate rooms and got dressed. It was extremely hot outside so I went with high waisted shorts, a flowy crop top, and white vans. Matt eventually got dressed and we both fixed our hair and I did my make up.

We headed out to the main venue where the meet and greet was held. Fans were lined up on the wall outside waiting to go in. The bus pulled up to the building and at least three thousand people were screaming, well something like that.

We got out of the bus and went inside the building. I helped Matt to his table and we set up. We got him a stool to sit on, instead of standing. We waited around until the girls were let in screaming and running to their favorite boy. The manager asked me to announce all the rules and how we were going to do this.

"Hi guys! Welcome!" I spoke into the microphone "hope you're having a wonderful night! Okay, so right now I need all of you to form a line, instead of one big pile, for each boy. No cutting or shoving in line. You will be able to take up to three photos and do any pose you would like, unless it's something the security and management will not except. Thank you guys so much for coming! We love you guys!"

Everyone cheered and the room was filled with screeching girls. Girl after girl came up to the boys and asked for pictures and autographs. Some asked me about Matt and how it was taking care of him.

You could tell Matt was sick and tired and needed some sleep, but he still loved the moments he was sharing with his fans. I was standing, just watching Matt take pictures and have random conversations with his fans, when a girl walks up to me.

"So you're the reason Matt almost died... again?" She spat out.

"Excuse me?" I asked confused.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. Don't act like you don't know" she said.

I knew some drama shit would happen tonight. Here we go again.

"Okay you need to stop. One. You don't even know what happened so don't assume shit. Two. I'm his girlfriend and I would never hurt Matt." I spoke as I tried to push past her.

"Ha funny" she faked laughed as she grabbed my arm and brought me back to my original spot. "Matt doesn't fucking love you bitch. He hates you. You're only here for attention. You're a slut and need to go ahead and die."

"Ha funny" I said mocking her. "I love Matt and he's been here for me in my hardest times. You have no idea what he or I have gone through. I suggest you don't just talk shit about me if you don't know anything. I'm sorry. I know you hate me, but I'm happy with my life and who I am. Your words won't change anything."

She scoffed and turned around while whipping her hair. I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh. I looked at Matt who was taking a sip of water. He was taking a break for a minute and motioned me to come where he was. I walked over to him and he put his arm around my waist. He pecked my cheek and smiled.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"I'm still sore and my leg hurts. I think I'll be okay." He said.

"You need to take your medicine." I said while I ran over to my bag and grabbed his pills.

I brought them back over and he quickly took them.

"Thanks babe" he smiled.

He quickly kissed me and the meet and greet started back up again. I got bored and decided to walk over to someone else's table. I came to Cameron's table where he was signing merchandise.

"Sup" he laughed as he walked up to me.

"Being bored." I sighed and looked around.

"It's almost over. Only about ten minuets!" He yelled over the girls.

I nodded and kept walking around till it finally ended. I ran up to Matt to help him. I put the stool up and walked back to the group.

"Can we go?" He whined as I walked beside him.

"Yes. Come on" I said as he followed behind me.

Many fans were outside, but we couldn't stop. We were too tired and hungry. We got into the bus and drove back to the hotel. The medicine made Matt drowsy so he ended up falling asleep right as we got into the hotel room.

I let him sleep and got him comfortable then went to the group to get something to eat. We just got some chicken and fries. I brought the food back to the hotel room to eat and watch tv. I was watching teen wolf when Matt yelled for me.

"Yes?" I questioned.

"Can you come cuddle with me?" He asked in a tired voice.

I lightly laughed and turned off the tv. I put up the food and ran into the bathroom to take off my makeup and brush my teeth. I changed into my pajamas and finally went to lay down.

"My leg hurts" Matt sighed with his eyes closed.

I slid into bed beside him and covered up. I laid beside Matt and he rapped his arms around me. I looked up and he kissed me. He let go to breath and smiled.

"I'm sorry I have to put you through all of this." He sighed.

"No it's fine. I'm here for you." I smiled.

"I love you" he spoke softly.

"I love you too." I said.


Hey! How is everyone!

Hope you liked this chapter! I love you guys!

I like these cute #mavery moments.

Yes, I made a ship name okay yeah. I'm lame lolz. Keep voting and reading! Love you guys once again!-Em💘😇

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