Chapter 46

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Matts POV

I can't believe Avery actually did that. Well I wasn't really sure if she did that. She told me sammy tried to do things with her, but wouldn't she of told me? I don't know at the moment.

I was currently driving down the road getting lost in my thoughts. I felt like I could just cry and cry, but I'm not going to. The first thing I was going to do was go to Sammy's and see what's up with all of this shit. I swear if he's fucking lying to me he's dead.

I pulled up at his house and knocked on his door. He opened it and gave me a confused looked.

"What are you doing here-" he started

"Sammy are you fucking lying to me? Did you have sex with Avery or did try to touch her?" I said almost yelling.

"I never tried to touch her. I gave her what she wanted" Sam said.

I don't know who to believe, but right now I'm worried about Avery. What if she does something to herself? Great Matt you're probably loosing the love of your life.

Avery's POV

I was a complete mess when I woke up. I didn't even want to think of getting out of bed. I barely slept last night because of Matt. I knew I should've told Matt what happened right when it did happen, but I didn't and there's no going back.

I got up and brushed my teeth. I slipped into the shower and washed myself. The hot water felt relaxing against my skin, yet the thought of Matt still popped in my head. Where was he?

I got out and changed into leggings and the sweater I got from Pacsun yesterday. I went back into the bathroom and brushed my hair. I blow dried it and left it natural. I did the half up half down look. I then put on mascara, not wanting to wear a ton of make up today. I went back and slipped on my boots.

I went out and got in the car. I drove straight to Sammy's to talk to him about what he did. I showed up to his house and parked my car. I walked up to his house and knocked on the door.

A shirtless Sam opened the door and just stared at me.

"Come in" Sammy smirked

"Sam" I said sternly "what did you tell Matt?"

"Nothing." He said innocently.

"Samuel, don't fucking lie to me. Remember when we used to be best friends? Now you're telling Matt I paid you for sex? What happened?" I said almost yelling at this point.

"I... I don't know Avery" he spoke

"Yes you do Sammy. You know exactly why you're doing this" I said.

"Okay. I'm jealous okay? I love you and I don't want you hurt Avery. You know what? I've always had a thing for you, but Matt got in my way." Sammy yelled.

"Sam I'm sorry okay? Why would you tell Matt those things though when you know I love him?" I asked.

"I don't know." He shrugged

"Goodbye Sam" I blankly said before going back to my car.

I got in and buckled up. I started back home while listening to music. All of this was so much for me. So many things have happened recently and I don't know what's going to happen next. All that was in my head was Matt.

I went to Jacks house knowing he would help me and just be there for me. I pulled up to his house and walked in, knowing I could without him getting mad at me.

"Jack?" I called.

"Avery?" He asked as he came down stairs.

I ran up and immediately hugged him trying my best not to cry, but did it anyways. He didn't ask anything he just hugged me back tightly.

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