Chapter 52

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Avery's pov

"Sam, I'm not in the mood" I spat as I walked over to sit on the bed.

"why not? What's gotten into you lately? You've been so bitchy." He yelled.

"I have not! I'm just not in the mood. I'm sorry" I shook my head as I made my way towards the door.

I felt him grab my arm and yank me towards him. He pinned me against the wall and tried to kiss me. I wouldn't dare kiss back. This wasn't love, this was him trying to get what he wanted.

"Sam stop" I cried when he pulled away.

I felt a sting on my cheek as Sam slapped me. I looked at him surprised. He just stared at me with his jaw clenched.

"What bitch?" He spat.

I shook my head and bit my lip, trying my best not to cry. I looked at him and all I could see was hate in his eyes. I wanted to scream and cry, but that wouldn't make a difference. He pulled me towards him and forced my clothes off. He slapped me once again and I yelled out in pain. Why is this happening to me?

I shook as he came near me. He threw me on the bed and looked at me with such disgust.

"I never loved you" he growled.


Matt's pov

I was sitting at home alone watching a movie when I had gotten a text from Avery. For some reason, I always have become nervous when she text me. I really don't know why.

'Avery: Matt, help'

'Matt: what's wrong?'

'Avery: please just come over'

I stood up and slipped my phone in my pocket. Something was up. Avery hates me and now she wants me to come over, that's how I know something serious is up.

I turned off the movie and slipped on my shoes. I grabbed my keys and headed out. I started for Avery's house. I was beginning to get nervous as I came closer to her apartment.

When I got there I knocked on the door, but there was no answer. My heart sunk as many thoughts filled my mind. I twisted the doorknob and it was open. I let out a deep sigh as I enter her apartment.

"Ave" I yelled as I walked through all the rooms.

I ran up the stairs and walked into her room. I searched every where until I lastly came to the bath room. I opened the door and there she lay on the floor with pills spilled all over. I couldn't believe what I saw. I felt tears fall down my cheeks as I looked at her.

She had bruises every where and blood on her face. I began to panic as I called nine one one. I was scared to death. The ambulance came and took her and I had to drive myself. I called Sammy because I figured he probably would want to know, but he didn't answer his phone.

I made it to the hospital and was put in the waiting room as the doctors took Avery. I was scared to death and my heart was beating fast. I got up and paced around the room from all the nervousness and fear that had built up inside me. It came to the point where I was in tears.

I texted Jack and Jack hoping they'd come up here with me. I knew they cared about her a lot. They would do anything for her.

- two hours later -

After waiting for so long they finally called us back to Avery. I walked into the room where she was and she smiled when she saw me. I ran up to hug her gently, trying my best not to hurt her.

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