Chapter 61

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Avery's pov

"Just stop acting like a fucking bitch, Avery" Matt yelled from downstairs.

I gasped as I heard what he called me. Did he really just call me that? I set Cullen down in his crib and quietly walked out. I shut the door and walked down the stairs before I could say anything back to Matthew.

"What do you mean? I'm just saying I need some help around here. All you do is play your stupid video games or watch some dumb sports game, then go hang out with all of the guys" I yelled as I walked into the kitchen.

Ever since Matthew got back from his movie all we have been doing is constantly fight. There hasn't been one moment where we are both happy. I seriously don't know what's wrong.

"I'm busy okay. I just got back from finishing a movie and I want to just relax and rest"

"Matthew, you can't use that fucking excuse every time. Gosh, you've been back for longer than two weeks. You're ridiculous"

"Oh I'm ridiculous? Ha, because I'm the one who cheated on you while I was gone" he scoffed.

"Forget it Matt. I'm tired of you. I'm leaving." I yelled.

I grabbed my keys and walked out. I slammed the door behind me, not even caring anymore.

What has even happened between us?

Matt's pov

What's wrong with her? I know I shouldn't have said that stupid thing about her cheating when it was all Sam.

I'm just tired. I will admit though that I don't help a lot around the house, but everything that's happening is really stressing me out and the fighting doesn't make it any better.

I heard Cullen cry from upstairs. I ran up the stairs and opened his bedroom door. I picked him up gently and when he saw me he smiled. I love this little boy.

If there's anything I want to work out its making this little boy have an amazing childhood. I know Avery didn't and I wish she did. Her parents got divorced when she was at a young age and that's something I don't want for him.

I walked back down stairs and sat down on the couch with him. He's grown so much it's crazy.

"Hey little buddy" I smiled at him.

He can already sit up and its so cool to watch him and realize that's my kid.

He reminds me of Avery when he smiles. That's one more thing to live for. One more thing to work hard for. One more thing to love and I'll do it all for her.

I don't know exactly where she is. I thought of an idea that I've been meaning to do. I dialed jacks number until he finally picked up.

"Yo dude can you and Madison watch Cullen tonight?" I asked.

"Sure! Sounds good. Whatever time is fine. You and ave goin on a date?" I could tell he was smirking

"Yeah. We're having a tough time. I need to do something special for her."

We talked a little longer before we ended the call. I had to get ready. I walked up the stairs with cullen and set him on our bed. I gave him one of his toys, which occupied him for a few minutes.

I picked just comfy clothes for right now. I packed Cullen a bag and headed to jacks. I dropped him off and went back home. I picked out some nicer clothes to wear tonight and one of Avery's favorite outfits for her to wear.

I took a shower and got ready and I called Avery.

"Babe?" I said into the phone.

"May I help you?"

"Just please come home."

She finally agreed after trying multiple times to convince her to get here. I quickly grabbed a piece of paper and pen.

'Dear Ave,
Put this on and be ready by seven. Ill be back to pick you up and I'm going to take you a date. You deserve it. I'm sorry for everything. I love you babe.
     Love, Matthew.'

And with that I left.



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