Chapter 18-Peazer

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sorry if chapters start to become to um, '"inappropriate" I guess you could say..? lol. I've been reading 'Dark' which is a harry fanfic and omg. WOO its just okay anyways and its pretty mature. its rated R lol so im kind of like.. stuck in that mindset right now just because im obsessed with the book so yeah anyways but if I start to become to detailed or again, "inappropriate" just let me know because I don't know exactly the ages/maturity of you all so yeah. its not like ill be writing out full sex scenes or anything but like last chapter, some people might even think that it was to much. no one has said anything which doesn't let me know anything so haha.. OKAY


 I guess ill write chapter 18 now!

I started to write this so much earlier in the day on Tuesday, but I got distracted with ed sheeran videos and I tried googling the house my granny lives in since its what I imagine as the house Niall and Kendall live in so you guys can see what the house looks like to imagine better but I cant find it. :'( and then I took a shower and ate dinner and al that and then I got really tired so I decided to write the rest and publish it tomorrow.

(which is today, Wednesday.)

so when Rylan starts to describe the house, don't get lost!



Rylan's POV:

After we all left Kendall's room we started to unpack or eat and such after our flight from UK to here in Ireland. The house is huge and there is plenty of rooms for us all to stay in. If you are in Kendall's door way looking out of her room, to your left is a linen closet. Then looking straight again, there are two steps up to a floor that has all of our bedrooms. On the same wall of the linen closet is Eleanor and Louis room that they share. Then on the same wall is Liam and I's room. Facing straight still, you have Zayn and Perrie's room. all of the rooms have bathrooms except for Zayn and Perrie's, which is why there is a full bathroom next to it. Then from there on the right there is a mini hall way that leads to Niall's room. If you go back to where Eleanor and Lou's room is when you get from the two steps, to your right is a staircase that leads to the down stairs. On your right is a living room, on the left is a dining room, and in front of you is the front door. turn left off the stair case and walk past the dining room, the kitchen is then on your right, with along another bathroom. then keep walking straight there is the back door, but past the back door and to the left is two more rooms, Greg's room which is also a guest room, then their parents room. And then you go downstairs which is like a game room.

I got really confused which room was ours for awhile so I kept walking into the wrong room until Liam finally pinned which rooms was whose with paper and pen. Us girls were all unpacking while all the guys went out to grab lunch to bring back home. We eventually all wound up back in Kendall's room for a gossip session about the boys though. We told Kendall what we talked about on the plane with Harry and how he would also always be love sick and couldn't wait to come see her. Then she told us he finally asked her out and all we did was moan about how long it took and we didn't need to be love doctors anymore.

"For awhile I thought he was going to just use me since he usually hooks up with girls a lot but since him and I have been talking, and basically back all the way to when we met, he hasn't really hooked up or flirted a lot has he?" Kendall asked us all.

"No he hasn't it all!" Perrie reassured her while Eleanor rubbed her back.

"If anything, he's been ignoring any girl that tries to flirt with him, and all he does is think and talk about you." I said to her thinking about all the times we all went out as a group. Waitresses would always try to get his number or something but he wouldn't even give them a second look.

I could tell she felt secure again we moved on to tonight, we talked about what we were wearing and stuff, then curiosity hit me.

"Who is Niall going to kiss at midnight?!" I randomly blurted out.

"Oh yeah... I forgot you guys talked until he decided he didn't want a relationship and wanted to settle down on being around Kendall more!" Eleanor said. She didn't mean to throw Kendall under the bus, but Kendall wasn't offended since its true. Niall didn't want a relationship and I cant do anything about it.

"Right... You know, I really am sorry about that Ry, I feel like its my fault and i wish I could do something to change his mind. I don't understand why he cant be with you, I mean... im with harry. I just don't get it." Kendall said to me.

"Its fine Kendall. Really. I'll be honest, I wish things could have worked out and im a tad confused too, but it happens. When I went to Wolverhampton with Liam I really did have such a good time. His family is so nice and he got me some amazing presents. I got him and his family some too. but im happy how things worked out. It's for the best, isn't it?" I said trying to reassure my self. I sometimes get upset about the Niall thing but I do wonder how things would be if I wasn't with him.

"I just wonder how Dani's taking it..." Eleanor said scoffing and rolling her eyes.

"Dani..?" I said, the name sounded familiar but wasn't sure where I heard it from.

"Danielle Peazer. His ex girlfriend. They dated for like, two years and she's a dancer. They met through xfactor im pretty sure." Perrie said. Eleanor nodded.

"We were all best friends, she was awesome to be around and Liam loved her to death. But then she went crazy the last couple months they dated." Eleanor said sounding upset. I became really curious and needed to know more.

"How did she go crazy...?" Kendall said, basically reading my mind.

"Well, she started to become more open to the public and would be in magazine stories with Liam and then pictures she would take at a photo shoot for an advertisement years or months ago and finally it would come out once her and Liam were 'known' together...." Eleanor said stopping.

"I don't see how that all sounds bad... shouldn't that be good for her?" I said.

She continued.

'Well yeah, any one would think that. But Danielle is so independent and everything needs to go her way how she wants it, and she needs to do it her self or if she doesn't... then its not 'right' or it could have been done in a 'better way'. And that's how she looked at all of that. She was tired of it all and wanted to have her fame and pay to be done by herself and not get it off of her boyfriends fame."

"Do they still talk?" Kendall asked Eleanor and Perrie.

The faces and laugh they made answered it for her.

"Not at all! The break up was pretty sloppy and they didn't leave each other on good terms. But no worries babe, he's over her now. If he wasn't, he wouldn't be with you because he know it wouldn't be right." Perrie said patting my leg.

"Now if only Dani felt that way." El said under her breath. I don't think anyone else heard her but me. I was about to ask her about what she said until you could hear the boys scream that they're home and lunch was here.

Could you say bad timing?


I know its short im sorry! I was going to write some then write more of the chapter and upload it all tomorrow but I felt like I should just upload this part now and write another tomorrow so you guys don't have to wait as long.

I also didn't have time to go over and proof read so sorry if some stuff doesn't make sense or if it was poorly written .I'm just really, really tired.

Sorry that the new years eve is dragging out. im bad at getting to the point

bare with me!


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