Chapter 4-Kendalls Story

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I know I already said this but this chapter will only be in Kendall’s POV and it’s just more of who she is and it would help you understand the story better. This isn’t a chapter you need to read, you will still understand the story, but I recommend you read it. There are some things that will be a little vague in the chapter but later on in the book you will understand why! Okay so yeah... READ ON YA'LL!!

Kendall’s POV

I was furious. I couldn’t believe my own mother would lie to me. No, scratch that, not my mom. AMY. I can’t believe AMY would lie to me.

"It was for your own good KD!!" she kept saying over and over, to calm me down and make me not even get more mad at her. Well, she failed miserably at trying that. Because I was about to drop kick her out a window. K and KD were my nicknames she gave me ever since I was little; it’s just pronounced like the name Kay, and Katie.

"Did they not love me? Did they not want anything to do with me? Was I a mistake? I bet they just left me on your doorstep until you came outside to find me there and you had no choice but to take care of me!"

"K, don’t be like that. You know I love you with all my heart and your birth parents did too! You were born with a biological twin. He was a boy. But your parents couldn’t afford to raise two children and I have always wanted a daughter. So I chose you. Please, just understand,"

SHE WANTS ME TO JUST UNDERSTAND? She told me that I didn’t have a dad that died when I was a month old. I was lied to my whole life. I wasn’t even born in America!

"I DONT EVEN KNOW WHERE I WAS BORN AND WHO MY PARENTS AND BROTHER ARE! THAT IS NOT A SECRET TO KEEP FROM SOME ONE!" she looked scared. Sad. And speechless. Amy and I have ALWAYS gotten along. She was the best and I loved her to death! We never ever faught and I was there for her when she went through some hard times.

 I turned around and looked at her in disgust. "You just wasted 18 years of my time; I have to go make it up now... good bye, Amy."  I grabbed my purse, which had my phone, wallet, car keys and just some other random junk in it, and stormed out the door and drove to my best friend’s house.

Rylan and I lived 10 minutes away from each other. We were always with each other and knew everything about each other and had just about all the same interests, just like we were the same person. I explained everything that just happened at home while lying with my head on her shoulder and in her arms, crying un controllably.

I'm not much of a drama queen. I just don’t get it. Why couldn’t she just tell me?

"I c-cant believe I have a d-dad now Ry." I said while crying, not able to catch my breath.

"Babe, you’ve always had a dad. Be happy KD. You just don’t know him. Let’s start new, and get the hell out of her. Ohio is snowy and gross and cold. Let’s move to LA and live together and if you want we can find your birth family! Plus were both 18 now so its legal... come on, ill get my mom to write us checks and put some more money on our credit cards as well!"

Did I mention Ryland’s dad is the founder for Victoria’s secret, Justice, and GAP? She’s kind of loaded. Why in the hell is she in Ohio still? Whatever. Were leaving now and im happy. If I went back home to pack things would get worse so I convinced my self to just by stuff in California. I felt horrible for leaving Amy after everything’s she’s been through. But it was my descion and im aloud to do whatever I want now. Im 18.

Two months of being here in Cali, I still haven’t tried to find my real birth family. I convinced myself that if it is meant to be then we will all meet and everything will fall in place! I still haven’t talked to Amy. Im hiding from her right now or else she would beg me to come back and blow up my phone until I did. I changed my number to keep that from happening for now though.

 Ryland’s mom covered for me and said I was going to be with them for a awhile while on there vacation around the world to a bunch of different countries. Which wasn’t a complete lie; her parents are in Europe for about a month anyways.

We figured out Ed Sheeran would be coming to town in a couple weeks. We got tickets immediately! He is our favorite artist ever, next to one direction. Those guys all have a great talent and deserve the fame that they are getting. Much better then some dumb ke$ha shit. I hate her.

We were leaving our Condo (that Rylan's parents are paying for), and started our way to the venue to see the one and only Ed Sheeran. This was going to be the best night ever. I will just forget about everything that has happened recently and move forward.

And that’s where it all began.


soooo what do you think?

kinda dragged this chapter on but its just so some people can kinda of get a better feel for the story


and did you guys figure out what movie that quote was from in the last chapter?? (:

llike i said its a filler so im super sorry but the next chapter and some of the pnes will make up for it! but i might stop writing soon if i dont get feed back or enough fans. not being mean but there would just be no point in me writing then, ya know? i also didnt proof read this so sorry if there are any errors. there probably will be. i apoligize!

have a good weekend everyone!

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