Chapter 6-Reunited

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Rylan’s POV:

It was a bit passed mid night and we were all just talking and laughing about random things. I could tell Kendall was trying to let what happened earlier not effect her from having fun tonight. The others couldn’t notice though but I did just because we've known each other so long. That’s why I loved her though. She was such a trooper and didn’t want to be that one friend that made a scene of everything while you’re just trying to have fun. There are way too many people out there like that.

I was starting to get lost in my thoughts while I was just blankly starring at Kendall while she was talking to harry Eleanor and Louis, until Niall snapped me out of it. "Did you hear me Rylan?"

"Oh no, sorry. What’d you say" I said shaking my head, embarrassed I didn’t pay attention to him before. "I said me and the lads and El wanted to get to know you and Kendall better. Why don’t you start?" he said while taking a drink of his beer. It wasn’t legal for any of them to be drinking alcohol in America yet but I didn’t care, I drank sometimes to.

"Okay... sure. Well my name is Rylan Levelle, im from Columbus Ohio. I like to play soccer and draw. I have an older brother that is 27 that I barely ever get to see because he is always on business trips with my dad, which I also get to never, see. So it’s usually just my mom and I at home. Until Kendall and I moved here because... uhm....." SHIT RYLAN! I didn’t think this one through. Why did we move here? think think think!!! God I don’t want to embarrass Kendall and say 'Kendall and I ran away because she’s adopted'. I started to hear Kendall speak and cover for me and for her as well...

"Yeah we moved here because I have always loved singing and playing guitar so I thought LA was a really good place for me to make a name for myself. You know a lot better then Ohio!"

She didn’t look to confident in her answer, nor did it sound like it at all. Great, the boys noticed that too. Damnit this is my fault. "Babe you sure about that? You can trust us, we want to get to know you, not what you have to hide." said Liam. I hate to stereo type what people think about them but he really is like the Daddy of the group.

**Kendall’s POV:

I looked around at everyone in the room and stopped at Rylan once I locked eyes with her, as Liam called us out on lying to them. I really don’t mind telling them about me, and why we came here. I just don’t want them judging me and thinking im some crazy bitch from Ohio that’s using them to find my family or something. I was still burning my eyes into Rylan as she was doing the same to me. I felt everyone looking at us for answers. I made up my mind. Well... here goes nothing.

"Okay...... now don’t be quick to judge, please. This is a long story, so keep up..." I warned the six people I was about to tell my life story to.

"I just turned 18 a few months ago; I only lived with my mom, Amy. She was the greatest person alive and I looked up to her like she was a hero. She has had so many horrible things happen to her in the past. she’s been a breast cancer survivor 2 times, lost her dad in war and saw her mother be killed in front of her, and was once so poor and on food stamps for a really long time. She got herself together and became a surgeon. Three years later I was born and then my father died in his sleep when I was a month old...."

I started to get watery eyes and my breathing pattern changed, getting heavier each second.

Everyone looked really apologetic. "Im so sorry..." harry whispered to me while soothing me by rubbing my back.

"trust me, there’s a lot more.." as I said this Rylan repositioned herself, already knowing what was going to be said, and eager to know how they all would react. I felt the same way.

"A couple days after my 18th birthday, I figured out I was adopted by Amy. And that I never had a dad that died in his sleep. Amy was never married and wasn’t able to have children, so that’s why she adopted me. I wasn’t even born in America. I have no idea who my birth parents are, where they are, or even where I was born. I also have a twin brother. He also has the same color hair and eyes as me, but that’s all I know about him... My birth parents couldn’t afford to raise both of us, and Amy has always wanted a daughter. So she chose to adopt me. I don’t know if I have any other brothers or sisters, but I know I have a twin and a mom and dad out there somewhere. I was so angry with Amy that I ran away with Rylan here to LA, but Amy doesn’t know that. I felt so bad for leaving her so if she ever calls me or anything and begs I either might give in or we will get in a huge fight. I don’t want to even know though, so im basically hiding from her... so that’s why were here. It’s not a lie that I love to play guitar and sing though. I have always wanted to make music. So maybe that will happen for me sometime in the future. but as of right now though I have to live my life and focus on the important things around me which is my health and my only family that I know of, Rylan. So yeah. That’s me...."

I cleared my throat and took a drink of water, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall down my face at any time now.

They all looked around at each other. They didn’t know what to say, all of them were just speechless and completely surprised.

Rylan and Eleanor came towards me and hugged me, reassuring me that everything was going to be okay.

I saw the rest of the guys all starring at Niall with 'oh shit' expressions.

Niall cleared his throat and stood up from his seat slowly.

"Um... if you'll excuse Me." he said, barely even being loud enough for us to hear him. He charged out of the kitchen, and into his bedroom, slamming the door behind him while knocking something over.

What was he pissed off about?


OHHHHHHHHH SHIIITTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


hmmm any predictions?

okay you wierdos dont forget that you need to fan and vote and give feed back so i can still write. i wouldnt want to leave you all with a cliff hanger like this! (;

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