Chapter 5-Prince "Charming"...?

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Hi guys! After Kendall’s story (which was kind of a flash back chapter pretty much) everything is just how it was left off in chapter 3. Just FYI!! Don’t forget to fan and have your friends fan also! Or else im going to have to stop writing because then there would be no point in posting a new chapter. So heres the fifth chapter ive written and posted today. haha

Harry’s POV:

When we were all done watching that last bit of E! News, I was pissed.  Everyone in the room was so surprised that it was already a story and they would automatically assume im in a relationship.

"Kendall, im so sorry. I had no idea that they would already start making stories and things up and putting out the pictures." I told her while rubbing her back. Her face was pale and her mouth was open in an O shape because of the shock. No one was judging her for having her mouth open though because she was just so upset and not expecting to be on national television tonight, nor ever. Especially because of me. Her eyes were glassy, and she snapped out of her thoughts and stopped starring at the now turned off TV. "Don’t worry about it harry... it wasn’t your fault. I should have at least covered my face if I didn’t want to be seen. I wasn’t expecting anything less though. I mean, you’re kind of in one direction. The biggest band in the world."  She said with a little bit of a laugh, more to her self though. "Well shit, she took that a lot better then Dani ever would!" Liam said making us all laugh while Remembering Liam and Dani's recent break up, because Danielle couldn’t stand the hate and being in every magazine. I guess she wanted to make a name for herself. Not off of her boyfriend Liam.

Kendall’s POV:

Rylan got up from her spot next to Niall and came and sat on her knees in front of me while I was sitting on the couch. She knew the real reason why I was so worked up about being on national television. I wouldn’t mind if I didn’t run away and from Amy. Maybe my birth parents know what I look like and they are looking for me too, and then see me on TV. What happens then? What if I start getting my twitter blown up by all the crazy fans? Speaking of that, my racing and worried thoughts all stopped once I heard my phone constantly dinging with notifications from twitter and instagram. All things saying:

"Are you the mystery girl? How did you meet harry?..  EW if you’re the mystery girl then go burn in hell!.. Ugly bitch! .. I feel bad for harry  ... im a million times better than her .. I want to spit in her face!!" Harry saw all the hate on twitter also, finally catching on why my phone was blowing up. "What’s your username Kendall?" he asked while tucking my hair behind my ear while I had my face in my phone. After I told him my username I got a tweet sent from him, zayn, Liam, and niall. Louis and Eleanor went to go pick up the pizza.

@niallofficial: everyone stop hatin on @xkendall17x she’s a great person! Let’s make that trend everyone!

@zaynmalik: all this is un necessary. @xkendall17x did nothing wrong. x

@real_liam_payne: wut did she evr do 2 u guyz? @xkendall17x isnt evn datin him! goshhhh

@harry_styles: even if I was dating @xkendall17x why would it matter to you guys? Let me be happy for once!

Once I got that tweet from harry, I was confused. Has he had previous experiences with the fandom that ruined him before or something?

"Thanks guys, I love how we all just met each other not to long ago and now you’re all sticking up for me. You’re all really nice" I said looking at everyone around me. Liam smiled sweetly and looked at me and said "well babe, whoever harry brings home that is attractive, sober, nice, and not a plastic looking Barbie, which let me say myself is hardly EVER! Were always here for ya!" they all laughed and agreed with Liam. I couldn’t help but kind of laugh to. Harry just looked offended but also happy that he did right by bringing me back.

"Yeah, Lou was telling me how haz kept giving you cute flirty looks at the concert!" said zayn, with his funny and cute accent. At this point Niall and Rylan were dying while Liam slapped zayns arm for telling us all that and embarrassing harry. "I DID NOT! LOU WAS LYING!" harry said as he was trying to defend himself but he was blushing so much that he was failing. It was like god answered his prayers or something because right then Louis and Eleanor came bursting in the door with the pizza. "PIZZAAAA!!!" Niall and I both screamed and started charging towards the boxes Louis was holding.

"God damn peasants, take it!" Louis said as we gratefully took the dinner from him. I heard harry go up to Lou and start yelling at him for telling everyone about him being 'flirty' with me at the concert. Lou couldn’t help but laugh while he was trying to deny it. We all got together in the kitchen and shoved our faces until we couldn’t think about food ever again. At least me, Niall and Zayn did. Everyone else seemed fine. Probably because they didn’t even get to eat because we ate it all before them. To bad so sad. (;

I started thinking to myself about harry. Did he like me and actually was trying to be a flirt to me all night? We haven’t even known each other for a day yet! I don’t know if I believe in love at first sight or not, but I got a certain feeling when he was comforting me and rubbing my back. Whenever he is looking at me with his beautiful green eyes my heart stops. No wonder he's the charmer of the group.


so do you guys think kendall is actually falling for harry?

will amy find her now because she was on the news?

and is harry falling for kendall?

ugh its 2 in the morning so im going to write some more tomorrow morning and ill be thinking better then.


kk im done now.

peace out girl scout

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