Chapter 22-Tommo The Tomato!

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just picking up where we left off! (:

review if ya need to, sorry that its been awhile :(

Louis' POV:

I woke up with a massive hang over, and alone. I knew Eleanor was going to be sleeping in Kendall's room last night because of what happened. I didn't mean to cause a scene or be a dick just because i felt like it. I did it for a reason that I hope Kendall understands. Not only was it because of the whole Shae situation, but when Kendall and I looked each other in the eye for a few seconds, I could see all over her face how scared she was.

She wasn't nor was I, or anyone that fought with Harry last night, being dramatic about it. Kendall is already a fragile girl and so as Shae, and she was hurt really badly, but the fact of knowing that could have happened to Kendall made us all crazy mad.

I hit Harry pretty hard last night, and I would not be surprised if I had broken his nose. I feel kinda bad I went like that on him, and then pulling in Niall with me probably did not help.

I sat up and got out of bed standing, feeling like all the blood just rushed up to my head. I put on a hoodie over my bare chest, and was already wearing sweat pants. I looked at the clock, it was almost 2:00. Oh god that's late.

I brushed my teeth and walked downstairs to hear "Your Body Is A Wonderland" by John Mayer. One of my favorite guys to listen to.

I went to search where the music was coming from. I turned right into the living room which was occupied by Liam and a nervous looking Niall. I walked over to the iHome and turning it down one notch.

"Is this the hang over therapy session?" I asked wanting to be apart of it myself.

"Yup, join the club." Liam said while Niall nodded.

I sat next to Niall to see what is up with him.

"Something you wanna talk about lad?" I said covering up with a blanket and laying on the opposite side of the couch as him. He turned his attention towards me before thinking of what to say.

"Kendall came down about 5 or 10 minutes ago, seeming completely fine, then walked into the kitchen to make us all brunch while the other girls went to get milk and juice. And just as she was walking in I forgot Harry was in there..." He finished whispering to me. I'm assuming him and Liam have already discussed this since Liam was scrolling through his phone not seeming to care.

"Why didn't you stop her?" I asked aggravated, thinking he would just yell at her.

"Well Harry and I kinda yelled it out this morning about what he did last night, then he apologized and said he wont ever do anything to hurt her again because he 'can't imagine seeing someone he loves so much in pain'. He also said he is going to cut back on drinking, especially since we will be going to America soon and we can't drink there anyways... although nothings stopped us before." Niall finished off laughing after whispering to me again. I laughed also, but became serious again.

"He said he loves her?!" I scoffed and Niall nodded, I assumed he had the same reaction,

"So does this mean I have to talk to him and apologize also...? Not that I wasn't going to, I'm just still a bit irritated about it." I said to Niall and Liam, who was now done playing on his phone and decided to listen in on the conversation. I didnt mind though.

"It would be a good idea Lou. You guys are best friends and have never gotten into something like this before. Whether you're irritated or not, I would talk to him today anyways." Liam said while Niall agreed. Shortly after Zayn walked in and sat on Liam's side of the couch he was on.

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