Chapter 29- "Simple, but effective."

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Picking up where we left off! Do you guys like the song I have been mentioning? do any of you guys think you can make a video trailer? or know someone who could?!

I would love to see that great stuff that you guys can come up with!

Hope you guys like this chapter!

also incase you forgot the song is called "Hiding My Heart" -Cover by Adele.

such a sweet coincidence, right? (:


Harry's POV:

"That's the song Harry! The song Kendall wrote!" Eleanor said clapping her hands fast, getting excited.

"Kendall wrote that...?" I asked. I just figured out she could sing, now I know she writes songs too?!

"Yeah, that was the song that I heard Niall and Kendall singing and playing together in his room in Ireland!" Eleanor said quietly, so no one could over hear us three having this discussion.

"Why were they singing it together? What do you mean by playing? Why wouldn't she show the song to me...?" I asked becoming very confused, sitting down again.

"Because she wrote it all in a journal she had, but wanted Niall to help her make it more of a song then just a diary entry she had. She also is a Horan that plays guitar so they both got together to think of what chords would sound good with the song." Louis said to me, answering my questions.

"How did you know?" I asked Louis.

"She sang and played it for me not to long ago because she wanted to make sure you would like it. After I told her how amazing it was, she told me all the hard work that was put into it for making chords and making it more song-y." He said again, answering my question.

"To make sure I like it...? Why would I have to like it? Is it a song for me?" I asked again.

"Yeah, they don't know that I over heard them the first time when they sat down to clean it up and put some chords in there... I sat outside his room for about an hour just listening to it over and over again. She wrote it before you guys told each other you wanted to date and become 'serious', and it was before she figured out she was coming on tour with you guys, so once you hear the finished product it'll all make sense!" Eleanor said, seeming excited.

"But I don't get it. Why does it matter that she wrote it before she figured all of that out?" I said, asking the millionth question.

"Because when she wrote; 'But like everything I've ever known, You'll disappear one day. So I'll spend my whole life hiding, my heart, away...' ,    It was before she knew that you wouldn't have to leave her and go on tour, while you thought of her as just some fling... When she was actually falling in love with you. So that's why she played so hard-to-get for a while. She didn't want to become attached, which led her to 'hiding her heart'!" Louis said to me, answering my question, yet again. I knew he was the right person to come to. He is her best friend and I knew he would tell me since I am his best friend too. I wouldn't have been able to ask Rylan because she is off somewhere with Liam for lunch, and Zayn wouldn't have said anything about it whether he knew or not since he is so good at keeping secrets, and Niall wouldn't have said anything either since he was one of the people behind all of this.

"Wow... Well the song is unbelievable. I love it, I never knew she would have ever done something big like that... I didn't even know she could play guitar or sing either! Oh and the lyrics, the lyrics just mean so much. I never knew she felt that way the whole time..."

I said to Eleanor and Louis. They smiled at me in response, showing how happy they were that I was so blown away by it. "Just don't let her know that we told. She never said anything about keeping it super confidential, but we figure that she doesn't want you knowing."

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