Chapter 20-Happy New Year...?

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Sorry I felt like it was waaaaay to long of a chapter if I kept them together os I split them up. This is still on New Years Eve though!!



okay sorry lets go.


**Harrys POV

-That night-

Since this is a party where its more than just our group, and more of Niall's friends too we decided to make it a little more formal 'dress code' wise and plus the girls decided they wanted to do it like that anyways. People were invited to come around 9 and it ends at well.... whenever people go home.

It was now 7:30 and Kendall was in the shower in her room. Instead of me having to stay off in a guest room Kendall said I could just stay in her room for the weekend, so I was un packing some of my stuff that she said I could put into the spare drawers because I hate to live out of my suitcase.

Once I was done I laid out the clothes I was going to wear tonight, just a dark navy pair of dress pants and a white button up. After that I didn't know what to do. I have already showered and I didn't want to get changed just yet. I was comfortable shirtless and in my sweats. So I just sat there and looked around her room. I saw 4 picture frames, all but on filled with a picture.

There was one of Her and Rylan, one of Her and her brothers with her parents by the Christmas tree, and a silly one of her and Niall together. The other one is empty but there is a heart drawn on the cardboard inside the frame. The thing that you usually see before you put the picture in. I was confused by why it was there. I looked around a little more and saw a big cork board filled with even more pictures, ones with her and the rest of the guys, and some of individuals with them, silly and smiling ones. There were some with her and Eleanor making weird faces, or it would be the same with her and Perrie or Rylan. I only saw some of me and her. Ones from even the first day we met of us smiling and then there are some where were t the zoo and she's on my back. All she did was whine about how her feet her so then I just scooped her up. She was silent the rest of the time though, but it's because she fell asleep, and that's what another picture was of us, her sleeping on my shoulder while I smiled, it looks like one of those epic fail pictures or something, I started to laugh a little remembering the day.

"Oh god what picture are you laughing at?" Kendall said embarrassed.

"Jesus.. Kendall you scared me. I didn't even hear the water turn off." I said putting my heart over my bare chest, I could feel my heart beating like crazy. I didn't know if it was because she startled me or if it was because I loved the way she looked with her hair wet and no make up on. Completely natural.

She let out a quiet laugh while walking into her closet to change from her towel to probably something comfortable like me since its only a bit before 8.

"Well, what picture was it?" She asked again.

"It was the one of you and I at the zoo. When you were on my back and fell asleep on my shoulder." I said smiling.

"Oh gosh.. That was so awful. It was our fourth date I think..? And I just like, fell asleep on you. I still feel dumb." She sad shaking her head before turning out the closet light.

"Third." I said bluntly.

"What?" Kendall said walking out of her closet and sitting next to me on her bed. She was in leggings and a baggy soccer hoodie. Which was mine. I loved when she wore my clothes. Sometimes when other girls would I would get aggravated because they wouldn't ever give it back, but Kendall always offered to wash and return it. But I told her to keep it all. Because like I said, I loved when she wore my clothes.

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