Chapter 32-Fake A Smile

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Sorry I haven't updated foreverrrrr!


I know its not a good excuse but school is finally finished and all that so woooo im not busy or cramming for finals ok ok


Harry's POV: .

I have been tossing and turning all night in my bunk while thinking about my birthday.

It was tomorrow and I seriously could not wait any longer!

Since we have been on tour we haven't really been able to go out, party or get a few drinks, so it was something I have been looking forward to a lot lately, since we were given three days off.

Day 1- We were all going to go to a club.

Day 2- Kendall wanted to take me out to dinner.

Day 3- I was going to see my family, and Kendall was coming with me as well, even though she feels like she is intruding, my family and I want her to come anyways.

I checked my phone to see the time, it was 4:00 a.m.; I have been lying here awake since around 1:30 a.m., not being able to sleep at all.

I turned on my side again, for probably the millionth time that night, and I was facing Kendall.

Kendall was lying on her back, mouth open, little snores coming and going every now and then.

As badly as I wanted to be asleep, I was happy I was awake to see her like this.

I quietly laughed to myself, and grabbed my phone. I cautiously took her picture with the flash on since it was dark. Just when I thought she was waking back up, another loud snore escaped from her mouth.

'Yeah, she's still asleep' I thought to myself.

As another half hour or so passed, I finally felt my eyes getting heavy, begging to catch some sleep.

And finally, I fell asleep.

Only to be waken up what seemed like 5 minutes after.

When really it was almost noon.

"Harry.... Time to wake up babe, It's almost noon." I heard Kendall say in a soft, calming voice to me in my ear.

"Today is my birthday!" I said in a tired voice, but still sounded excited.

"Yes it is, good morning, and happy birthday!" She said, still with a soft voice.

 "I guess I'll get ready and wake up now..." I mumbled to her with a grin.

She laughed quietly and leaned over to give me a light, soft kiss and then rolled out of the bunk in all one quick movement.

My god she was amazing, her looks, attitude, the way she thinks of everything and everyone in life.

 I snapped out of my lovey-dovey thoughts, rolled out of my bunk, and walked into the bathroom to shower.

After about 15 minutes I finally forced my way out of the warm, relaxing water and pulled the curtain, walking into the numbingly cold air.

One of the cons about having my birthday in the early months of the year... It's always freezing.

I put on some jeans, a long sleeve shirt, and fuzzy socks that Kendall previously bought me because of my constant complaints of my feet being frozen, thanks to again, the cold weather and cold tile floors.

I started walking down the hall and into the front room to see all of the guys, Eleanor and Kendall waiting for me.

I took a quick deep breath, pushed all of my thoughts aside, put on a smile and started to say hello to everyone.

Today was my day. I wasn't going to overthink things like I usually do. Today I turn 19 and I am going to party my ass off.


Sorry if there are typos, if it sucks or doesn't even make sense, I'm really tired but  have been trying to upload this for I think like 2 months, I just never found to motivation or time to. I am so sorry! I have another chapter saved that I will finish and upload asap. Love y'all!

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