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(A/N: Hey! I decided I'm going to stop writing the pov because it's all mostly Y/n. If it ever decided to change, for example, to Bakugou, I'll state it. Thanks! <3 )

Another day at UA. It's finally time to go back after all of the USJ chaos. I haven't seen anyone other than Katsuki within the past couple of days... They gave the students a very much-needed couple of days off from school.

I started feeling better and went home the next morning after I got into Katsuki's bed. My parents weren't too happy with me. Not only did I listen to them and not come home, but I went to a guy's house. Which I don't see a problem with, but they beg to differ. 

"I'm home!" I hollered across the house. I didn't see Mom's car parked in the garage, but I, unfortunately, saw Dad's. Stomping from the stairs escalated as I saw a pair of feet, then my Dad right in front of me. "What the hell were you thinking?" He asked with an angered tone. 

"You told me not to come home, so I didn't. Is there a problem?" I snarled. He rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"Of course, there's a problem. There's always a problem with you! You should've come home. I got a call from that Bakugou household. That's where you were, right? That punk's house?"

I scoff in return. "He's not a punk. He and his family are good people. Something I can't exactly say about you."

"We're your family. Not them. Get your shit together, Y/n, you're there to be a hero, it isn't some childhood reunion. Don't you remember what we taught you? What I taught you?" He says, gritting his teeth.

"Get my shit together..? Hah. You obviously haven't been paying attention. News flash, Dad! I was attacked by villains! My whole class is suffering. Mr. Aizawa is suffering. Thirteen is suffering. All Might is suffering. I'm suffering. You don't know shit. And by the way..." I pause.

"The Bakugou household is more of a family to me than you and Mom have ever been to me."

I sigh from the occurrence last night and walk inside the doors to the school. I walk through the hallway to the large doors of 1-A and come in quietly. I look around to those who are in the classroom so far: Yao-Momo, Iida, Sato, Tokoyami, and Uraraka. Uraraka looks over towards me and smiles as she gets up and walks over to my seat. "L/n! I'm glad you're okay! Your family must've been so worried about you, right?" I slightly frown. I sit in silence and nod. A few minutes later, Shoto walks in and takes his seat behind me. I smile at him and turn around to speak to him.

"Hey..." I say quietly. He nods and looks up at me as he puts his books on his desk. "Hello, Y/n. I see you're feeling a bit better. How's your head?" I pulled out my textbooks and sighed. "Alright, I guess. I still have to be careful, but other than that, I'm feeling pretty good. Just a small headache. How about you? I saw you sitting in my hospital room... You didn't have to do that."

He smiled. "I'm aware I didn't have to. I just thought I should be there. Sorry I wasn't awake when you left... And I can tell by that expression on your face you didn't have a good experience with your parents either." I shook my head.

"Just a bunch of yelling. It isn't much of an issue, I've learned to deal with it." He chuckles.

"You and I both..." He mumbled. 

The classroom's volume starts picking up when Hagakure and a few others walk in. "Did you all watch the news last night?" She asks. I shook my head. "Really, you didn't? We were on the screen! We're basically celebrities now. Though I doubt I was shown very much..." She says, starting to frown.

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