the return of the mother

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Jayden's POV

"F*ck off! Why wont you leave me alone for once. Just cause the alpha chose me and not your spoilt ass doesnt mean you need to bully me!" i hear from the sidelines, i turn my head. The dodgeball still in my hands. I see Noah drenched in water and furiously growling at a horse with cream hair. Noah is clearly about to strike so i run over and grab him arm before he can swing it and yank him towards me. Hugging him when he crashes into me. "hey, calm down. The stress isnt good for the baby," i whisper in his ear quietly so no one could hear as i can tell he doesn't want anyone to know.

Noah's pov

I swing my hand up about to scratch this stupid miniture pony. Before i could swing, i feel a hand grab me tugging me away.i crash into some fur, warm familiar fur. "hey, calm down. The stress isnt good for the baby," he whispers to me. The general smell of my mate calms me down. After a few seconds, i hear jayden growl. " The next person to touch my mate will leave this school with scars," he yelled at a decible that wasnt too loud for my sensitive ears but loud enough to be heard by the entire grade.


"hey alec, jacob and luke!," i say as i spot them at our spot. In the corner of the eating area. I unpack my bag with all the food that i had prepared earlier. Everyone is shocked about how much food i have. "Noah? Are you okay? You never eat this much, your mum doesn't let you." Alec asks. With one ear higher than the other to show his confusion. He doesnt know about my pregnancy tendencies yet. I think to myself.


A hand slams on the table next to me. I feel my ears drop when i hear the familiar voice. "omg! Noah where have you been! Where are your siblings!" i hear my mother yell at me. She is obviously just looking for her slaves but trying to hide the fact that she doesnt actual care about us. "where did you get all this food?!" she exclaims. "your already fat enough," she nearly screams. Everyone in the area hears, people start to laugh at me. i feel my ears go further down embarrased. Jayden obviously heard because he comes over and stands above my mother with a furious face, obiously hiding a growl. 'hes so protective,' i think. My thoughts about Jayden get interupted by him, "who do you think you are?" he asks my mother. I stand up quickly blocking him from hurting her. She doesnt love me but i still love her. "Jayden, this is my mother. Mother this is the alpha." i quietly introduce them, Alec hears wo she is and stands up quickly ready to get aggressive. I put my hand out as to say stop. He gets the message and calms down. My mother bows down to jayden, as jayden looks severely more pissed off now. "what are you doing yelling at him," he growls. My mothers ears go down as she knows not to piss of an alpha ever. She looks at me. The mark i hand been covering with the fact that i had my face down until now was exposed, she growled seeing it. "could i please talk to my son." she asks. Jayden nods sceptically . She grabs my wrist, the most gentally she ever has and brings me out into a different room.

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