school- the bullying continues

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Noah's POV

In the morning, I quickly got dressed. After puking in the toilet for a while, morning sickness. Me and Jayden got to school early, he continuously asked if I was okay and if I needed something. he was adorable like that. when we got to school we met up with all our friends, they didn't know about the baby yet so we tried to keep it that way. Jayden constantly asking if I was okay didn't help tho. after a while I remembered We had sport first so I changed into my sport uniform. Once the bell went, I went with the others to the gym. We ended up playing dodgeball. "hey 'Alpha' catch!" one of the kids from the other team yelled at me, throwing a ball. I was heading for my stomach, I was so scared. I then saw an arm reach out and grab the ball, I looked and saw Jayden grabbing the ball. he growled at the person who threw the ball at me and pegged it at them, "you okay?" he asked turning to me, I nod smiling. after that I decided to sit out, when one of the popular people got out they would insult me calling me a mistake, shit, failure, annoyance, kill myself, ugly, disappointment, and they would even sometimes sneakily kick me making sure Jayden didn't see, I felt like shit so I ran into the bathroom and cried my heart out while looking in the mirror at how pathetic I looked, "you deserve a better life," I say looking at my stomach as if to try and talk to my baby. I wanted to die so badly but knew that It would kill the baby too, which I didn't want more than any of the bullies. I walked back out after a while and they were still playing dodge ball, I went around the field unnoticed. after a few more rounds one of the kids got a water bottle and poured in onto me, I was drenched in water. I sighed trying to calm myself down, then they dropped the bottle on my head which ticked me off. I growled, pissed off and stood up.

to be continued

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