Begining of the day

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Noah's POV

"Noah!! Get your butt downstairs now you don't man!!" I hear shouted my mom from downstairs. I slowly sat up in my warm comfortable bed, I drag myself out of my bed into my bathroom. My colorful fur shines in the morning light of the sun. I grab my green brush off my small white bench. I start by stroking it into my black and blue wings, then to my ears and tail that are also black and blue. After I'm done brushing my fur, I walk into my wardrobe and pick out my favourite clothes, a white and black hoodie, grey and blue pants and my red bandanna that goes around my neck to cover my neon red strip. I run out the door realising I only have 45 minutes until class starts. I get to my high school just in time for the play bell to ring. I still have 30 minutes until it starts... ugh! I hear something behind me. It's breathing so heavily, I turn my head slightly to the right to just be able to see who it is. It's the school's alpha, they are in charge of the school after the principal, you can tell if someone is an alpha by if they have a mark on their right cheek. He looks annoyed, I wonder why. He pushes past me and goes to the jocks of the school which are his friends, the alpha's name is Jayden and he has a fluffy tail that dangles down past his knees, swaying from left to right slowly.
I ignore it... I walk over to my friends, a fallen angel named Jacob, a fox named Luke and my best friend Alec he is a red panda. After a few minutes of talking to them, Jayden and his 'friends' come over to us." Hey nerds, what you doing talking about 'technology'" one of the jocks snicker. The others just look down but I stand up from my spot and look at the jock in the face"don't make fun of my friends!" I said in an annoyed tone. Jayden looked surprised about that, " what are you going to do about it, idiot?!" The jock tried to come back, he slaps me in the face and that was my breaking point my wings, devil horns, halo, ears and tail pop out of my clothes. My eyes go fully black except for a small dot of red in the centre of my pupil. The group was beyond shocked by how I look but Jayden stood there in amazement. The jocks run off but Jayden stays behind still staring at me. I notice he is still there and I start to turn red. " what are you?" Jayden finally asked after his daze. I look at him and answer" I'm a devil, angel, 6 tailed fox mix, well just a hybrid really. Why?"....

To be continued...

This is my first story I hope you like it! There awwwwwwww may be a delay in the story releases, I have school too. Tell me what you think! I would love your feedback. Thank you

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