future job?

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Katlyn's POV

"hehe" I giggle when Jacob told a funny joke to us.

"talk to your friends about what you wanna be when you leave high school!" the teacher said obviously sick and tired of our class. I turn to the others. "I wanna be a search and rescuer!" Alec said. the others agreed with his plans as his tree climbing nature would come in handy with that task.. I was in my own mind. I had never considered what I wanted to do. I never thought a scared little mouse like me could even make it this far. "Katlyn" there is so many options, police, shopkeeper, scientist, geologist, teacher, artist, photographer, inventor, interior designer, exterior designer, physics, builde- "KATLYN!" Noah yells, knocking me out of my trance. I shake my head getting back into present time. "yeah? what is it?" I ask confused. putting a confused face on. they look worried, Noah has a grip on my shoulder obviously having been shaking me. "we having been calling your name for 2 minutes now! are you okay? what's wrong? do you need to go to the infirmary?" I get bombarded with questions coming from the guys. I smile, 'people finally care about me,' I think to myself. "yeah, sorry, im fine I just spaced out for a moment thinking about the question," I say while rubbing my neck shyly. they all sigh relieved.

the bell rings for lunch and everyone starts packing up their equipment. I look over to Noah and muster up the courage. "h-hey can I sit with you guys?" I ask shyly, to my surprise they agree and we walk to their seat. them leading as I have zero clue where I was going. We walk up to a table that was really big and has two people already sitting there. I recognise one of them as the alpha, the other one was a fox, he was kind of cute. I feel my face burn up red. Noah sits next to the Alpha obviously as the alpha has an instinct to protect their mate and especially since his mate is pregnant with his cub. Alec sits on the other side of Noah, as he is his best friend. Jacob sits next to Alec which I find confusing as there was very little room left on that side and there was plenty where to fox was sitting. so this left me having to sit next to the fox. I feel my ears go down as I sit next to him. we don't have that much distance between us as he was sitting in the center of the chair. he turns to me and smiles. his sharp teeth shining in the light. "hi! I'm Luke!" he said, I smile looking at him up and down. he looked smart as well as athletic. "I'm Katlyn," I say smiling. I turn my head as I feel my face turn red. he chuckles and I hear him chomp down on his meat.

Luke's POV

I chuckle as I see the mouse look away obviously embarrassed. 'she's really cute,' I think to myself. she had big ears that are the same size as her head. she was mainly white however had black hair in braids trickling down her shoulders.

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