the fight (part 2)

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3rd person POV

Jayden walking into the classroom to see a nightmarish view. his mate, the person he loved most was bleeding, a pool of blood grew beneath his mate. Noah fell to the floor, he then scratched at the cat's legs. making her kick him in his fragile stomach.

Noah's POV

I was kicked in the stomach, I felt my wing flap. I look up and see that my wings had cut the cat in the arm and leg. I swooped my tail around hitting her in her legs making her fall with a loud thud, I groaned as I pulled myself up. pushing through the pain. the cat hadn't gotten up yet and was lying on the floor attempting to get up, I pulled my hand up ready to attack when I felt something grab my arm, I turned around and scratched them as I didn't know who it was. I look at them growling, only to see my mate clenching his eye. I gasped shocked of my actions, I could hear everyone in the crowd around me gasp. I hear myself whine loudly, with my ears going past my cheeks. I was terrified of what he would do, I mean I just scratched the alpha. I started to panic, I looked down and saw my blood covered body. I whine in agony as I felt a claw dig into one of my tails, I felt myself fall onto the cold, hard floor.

to be continued.

sorry its short but the next one will be longer

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