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This rang in my mind. Over and over. It's official I am going crazy!

I shake my head violently. Trying to get my head together. I look over at him and stare for a while. Then he looked at me and our eyes locked. I immediately look away feeling embarrassed.

"Josh?" Mr. Whitmore asks him," You don't have a last name?"

" I do actually. But I rather not say."

" Is that so?" Mr. Whitmore asks. And then he mumbles something to himself while writing something down.

When he was done with whatever he wrote down, he rudely said ' Next!' Where are we? At McDonald's?

This going to suck.

The introduction took a awful lot of time because when it came to someone's name..they always make fun of me. Like Beth had said , " My name is Beth EmilySucks."

She said that so she could get on my nerves. I mean I can't take this. I've been quiet even when they made fun of me and called me names.

I decided to put down my straight hair so that I can cover my face. And since I couldn't deal with this..I put on my headphones and cover it with my hair. I lay down on my desk so that someone wouldn't see and snitch.

When I turned around I saw that ' Josh' had noticed. I thought I was just dreaming or living a nightmare so I took my headphones off.

Even though this Josh guy looks exactly like my Josh..doesn't mean I should trust him right? I mean all this could just be a very big coincidence.

After we were finally finished with our homeroom, we had to switch.

The whole day just freaking sucked. And I was confused like hell. Maybe this guy is Josh's twin. But I have no interest with Josh's twin if he is.

He keeps on looking at me. It was so uncomfortable. I mean the whole class already hates me and now I this?

The last bell rings and I am quick to get out of the classroom.

I walk as fast as my tiny 15 year old feet could take me but still that wasn't enough to get me out of this place. One guy ran up in front of me blocking my way. I turn around so that I can escape but there's someone else behind me. Smart.

There were some people on the hallway but they don't seem to mind that I was in trouble. No even bothered to help me. I didn't even expect anyone to help me. I was on my own. So I had to do this on my own. I took a deep breath and just try to walk away.

" Where do you think you're going?" The one in front of me asks mocking me and pushing me on the shoulder.
That push sent me walking backwards and losing my balance. Just when I thought I was about to fall, I hit the wall. Great. I'm cornered.

" Let go of me." I finally managed to speak.

" Ohh..I'm so scared." He mocks me again. " If I don't let go, what are you going to do?"

"W-what d-d-do you want from me?" I'm right here, cornered, and I'm trying to sound strong and not scared but once again I let myself down.

" All we want is a little fun." He says, with a wicked smile formed on his lips.

All we want is a little fun..

That's not the first time I heard that. I remember when I was 8 two guys that were older than me abused me like that.

I wish I can forget that. Tears formed in my eyes. My childhood memory is one thing I want to forget. All of them were just sad.

My heart is beating really fast and feel like I can't breathe.

He touches me again and I let out a cry, " Let go!"

" Or what?"

I look around, mostly everyone was out of the halls. It was just me and the two guys. I look on the floor but I see nothing. Nothing that could help me escape from this.

When I was 8 I used a metal and I hit the guys that were messing with me. But here, I got nothing.

Just when I think it's over for me. Someone from behind the guys calls out.

" Hey! Let go of her!"

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