The Beach

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I was about to explode. What am I suppose to do now? Steve wants to go to the beach, and so does Josh! And they're both asking to go today!

" Umm.." I shyly said not knowing what to do.

" Umm..Steeevveeee." Josh said making sure he made the E sound long. " Emily and I have plans already for today. "

No, no, no! I don't want to turn Steve down. But I don't want to hurt Josh's feelings. But hey! Josh will understand right?

"Umm..maybe we could go out tomorrow Josh?" I bit my lip.

" Emil--..." Josh stopped and looked at the floor, " Yeah, yeah, yeah. Tomorrow."

And with that he left. He's okay. I guess.

" So..the beach?" Steve asks.

"Yeah, the beach."

We walked over at the near by beach after 30 minutes of walking.

" You know, it's funny how you were thinking exactly what Josh was thinking." I said looking at the beautiful view in front of me.

" I was actually already thinking it. And Josh..." Steve's face tightened.

"What about him?"

" I don' him."

" Josh's really nice. He's funny, too." I said smiling widely. " He's also very caring and his hugs are the bes-."

I was going to say 'best' when Steve looked at me as if he wanted to push me in the water, hold my head in until I die so I decided not to finish my sentence.

" Well I don't like him." He looked at me, I tried to avoid eye contact but his eyes were piercing right through me.

" I don't want you hanging with him like that." He had this murderous look on and it kind of freaked me out.

"But he's my friend..." It almost came out like a whisper.

" Enough about Joke."

"He's name is Josh."

" Whatever." He looked at me. " Where do you live?"

" Umm..why do you wanna know?" I said.

"Because I'm your.." He cleared his throat, " Boyfriend."

" Why do you say it like that?" I asked kind of hurt. He said it as if he didn't want to be my boyfriend; as if he he was disgusted.

" I'm sorry. Just tell me where you live. If we're going to be going out, we're going to have to know things like this."

"....I live at 26 ,Blackroad Street. Where do you live?"

" I can't tell you."

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