The Truth Behind Steve

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" Me? What did I do?" I asked.

" What did you do?! What did you do?!" He asked as if it was obvious.

"What!?" I yelled, and sobbed at the same time. " Whatever the hell I did to you, you didn't have to put it on my family too!"

" You don't have the right to talk like that, after killing two of my uncles!"

"Wha-?" I was confused, angry, sad, and scared.

" You dont need an explanation!"

" If I'm going to f*cking die, I have to the right to know why my so-supposed-to-be-boyfriend is killing me!"

" You killed my two of uncles, and you were not going to get away with it. When I went back home the second day or whatever I told my Dad about you. Not because I liked you, but because you are the one person that no body cares about. And my Dad just happened to know that you killed his brothers, and he needed me to get informations. I suggested that we killed you and your whole family and get it over with but, my Dad made me date you!"

"What did you expect me to do?!? They killed my biological parents when I was 8! F*cking 8!"

" I was young too! I needed my uncles!"

" Don't act like you wouldn't do the same damn thing!"

" I don't know why I'm here talking to you instead of f*cking killing your ass!" He paced around," My Dad always ruin things!"

I stayed quiet. Just looking over my life. Did I even have a purpose? I mean my whole life was just a big ball of sh*t! And now I'm about to die at the age of 15. Sad isn't it..?

" You know, since I'm waiting for my Dad, I could as well intertain myself." An evil smile crossed his lips as he came closer.

" What are you doing?!" I yelled pushing myself away from him which was a struggle.

He started unbottuning his pants and that's when I realized what he was about to do.

"No! No! No!"

" Yes, yes, yes." He goes with that evil smile again.

He came closer and unbottuned my pants.

"Let go! Don't touch me! DONT F*UCKING TOUCH ME! " I screamed and fought him to let go but he manage to take my pants off anyways.

He took of everything he wanted to take off, I cried for help, I kicked him, but that didn't help.

After I was completely naked from the bottom down, he raped me.

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