Life Is No Fairytale

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We got in and I swear I almost burst out of tears. I couldn't deal with this. I couldn't anymore.

" I can't do this!" I said backing up when I couldn't hold my tears anymore.

" Emil-." He said not finishing my name.

I turned around so he woundnt see me cry.

He put the bookbag that he was holding on the floor and rushed to me.

He hugged me from behind before turning me around so that I could look at him .

" What am I suppose to do now?" I whispered through my tears as if he ha the answer.

" I really wish I had the answer to that, but I'm going to help you through it all. Whatever it is, I'll be right here." He looked at my right in the eyes.

"'s too hard." I shut my eyes hoping this- this life; everything would just vanish. Be a very bad nightmare.

" I'm right here.." He whispered.

" I. Can't. Do. This." I stopped after every word.

"Shhhh. Just tell me about it; get it off your chest.."

" My- he's - umm. God!" I cried through my words. I didnt even know what to say, how to say it.

Struggling I told him.

" See? I just can't.." I buried my face in his chest and sobbed.

He lifted my chin up so that I could look at him in the eye ( eye contact always freaked me out but well....) he said, " You're the toughest person I've ever met. You've been through a lot and you've made it. I'm not just saying this; but you're tougher than me. Through everything you've been through...i don't even have the words for it. You can get through this. And to let you know, I'll be right here through it all."

He wiped away the tear that was escaping my eye with his thumb. He looked right in my eyes, he leaned in and I did the same. He pressed his lips against mine and kissed me, and I did the same. He slid his lands around my waist and held me tight. I had my hands around his neck.

We broke the kiss and he put his forehead on mine and whispered, " I love you."

" I love you, too." I said.

Life is no fairytale, and it doesn't always have happy endings. I don't know how it's going to be with my Father and I. That was just another problem that I had to conquer; with Josh here. I've gone through so much to give up now; that I was reminded by Josh. My life wasn't to together, but right now, right there, with Josh, I just felt warm and safe and somewhat calm ( a little calm). This was going to be hard, but right now I just wanted to hold on to this feeling for as long as I could.

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