Part 32

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*Kaylem's P.O.V*

It's been a whole year since i've see my husband because instead of staying in the mental facility for 72 i had a psychotic break trying to cut my wrist with the bed rails and they didn't feel safe with me going home so i was kept a whole year. You would think i hated being in there but i actually enjoyed myself and made a friend. And you will never guess who it is. I'll give you a hint she's Lil Bruno birth mother yep Jasmine Blue. So apparently before her dad attacked me he raped her and she got pregnant so she signed herself in this mental facility until she gave birth which she did naming her Precious Marie Blue and here's the kicker she named me god mother. But it's okay she's actually a nice person once you get to know her..

"Mrs. Hernandez you're all set to go" The head of the facility said as she stamped my discharge papers.

I smiled "Thank you so much"

She gave me my papers "You're very welcome amd i hope your time here has helped you get to a better place with your husband"

"Yea me too i guess i'll see when i get home" I said standing up from the chair

"Bye Mrs. Hernandez"

I waved at her and walked out into the fresh air and freedom that i haven't had for a whole year. I can't wait to get home to Bruno and lil Bruno. I know lil Bruno is walking and talking because Urbana brought him to see me and he called me mommy and it gave my heart so much joy. I heard a car horn beep breaking me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see Jasmine waved at me "Come on girl! I got my sister watching Precious"

I rolled my eyes and went and got in her car. She gave me a quick hug before pulling off. "So was that stay in the facility just want you and your mind needed?"

I smiled and nodded "Yes it was my mind is clear and i'm ready to get home to both My Bruno's. And i've finally accepted both my miscarriages and realized i was so angry because i've always wanted to become a mother"

She smiled "Well you are a mother kinda. You're Bruno's mother"

I gave her a look "I'm his step mother you're his real mother"

She shrugged "But he calls you mommy. He calls me Jaz like Bruno told him too"

I nodded "You have a point there. I'm sorry by the way"

She smiled "I think we've been threw this enough times already i told yoy i'm over it and we're turming over a new leaf and if any women is going to be raising Bruno i'm glad it's you"

"Awwww that's so tweet Jazzy"

We laughed and and took that hour long ride to my home.

Once sitting outside of my house Jasmine nudged me "Are you ready?"

I shrugged "Yea i guess"

She smiled "Well then go inside"

I looked at at her "You're not coming in?"

She shook her head "No i have to go get Precious from my sister"

I poked out my lip and groaned, I really wanted her to come in because i didn't want to see him by myself. "Okay well i'll call yoy after i talk to Bruno and give my god baby a kiss for me"

She nodded "Will do babe"

I got out the car and watched her pull off. I took a deep breath and proceeding my way to the door which was standing wide open. I walked in and the smell of fried fish hit my nose making me gag, Bruno must be trying to cook. Along with the fishy smell the sound of giggling came from the kitchen.

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