Part 13

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*Kaylem's P.O.V/ 18 and a half year old Kaylem*

"Kaylem Michelle Langston!" I heard my dad yell from behind me.

I am going to kill Kayden for ratting me out. I turned around and groaned "Hi daddy.

My mom put her hands on her hip "I thought we told you, You couldn't go follow this guy on his tour!"

I rolled my eyes "I didn't follow him Leah and Louie's Mom bought three tickets for their birthday she dropped us off here and is staying in the hotel around the corner"

My mom raised her eyebrow which means she's not believing a word i'm saying but the bad thing is i am actually telling the truth and thats something i don't do often. I was about to say something but my mom snapped her fingers "I don't care of jesus Christ himself bought you the tickets i told you that ypu had to wait until he broughtvhis concert to New Jersey now get your ass in the car now!"

I screamed to the top of my lungs and stormes off into my parents car. I crossed my arms pouting, I can't believe they drove all the way to Memphis Tennessee just to stop me from seeing Bruno Mars in concert!  The got into the car and pulled off. My dad looked in the rearview mirror "Bumblebee you are in a whole lot of trouble"

"And why is that dad i'm grown i don't think i need permission to go see a concert i'm almost 19!"

"Almost 19 or not Kaylem me and your mother told you to wait until he came to Jersey. We don't want you following a singer and forget about your priorities of getting in the perfect Law school so you can become a lawyer just like me"

I rolled my eyes cause here he goes agian. When we he ever understand that i don't want to be a lawyer, I wanna be Maternity Nurse and or a Make up artist. I groaned "No dad those or your priorities i told you what i want to be"

"Yea and Nurses and Make up artists don't get paid as much as lawyers do i just want you to be somebody one day" He said picking up the speed of the car.

Did just say i was a nobody in so many words? I was about to say something until my mom cut me off and yelled "John that's fucked up to say to her damn. If her nor Kayden want to be lawyers they don't have to! You just want them to please you! And let me tell you i will leave you before you turn my children into your God damn puppets!!!"

Oh shit she's talking about leaving him thats my que to tone them out. I took my phone out and put my earbuds and turned on Bruno Mars When i was your man. I watched my mom and dad argue back and forth. Thats song went off and Trey songz Heart attack came on and i continued to watch them argue. My dad gripped yhe steering wheel and my mom glanced back at me i slightly smiled at her. My dad picked up the speed faster going down hill. I rest my head on the back of the seat and started singing.

And if i loose you i'm afriad i might loose who, who i gave my love too, Thats the reason i stay around-

The car flipped over about five times before smacking into a tree. Last thing i hear, See, and smell is the car alarm blaring and my mom Impaled with a Tree limb threw her chest and my dad hamging half way out the window, The smell of smoke filled my nose before i'm out.

Next thing i know i'm jumping up breathing heavy to see a nurse standing infront of me with a relieved look on her face. I looked around and saw i was in a hospital bed. I looked at the nurse "Where's my mom and dad what the hell happened?!?"

Her facial expression changed "You and your parents where in a fatal car accident and i'm sorry to tell you your parents died on scene."

That's the moment my stomach flipped a million times and my heart stopped for seconds. I started breathing harder as tears fell down my face. Dammit! this is alk my fault if i didn't sneak away to see fucking Bruno Mars none of this would have happen. Fuck it i'm not taking blame for this It's all that short Prick Bruno Mars fault if only he had've brought his tour to Jersey earlier i wouldn't had to sneak!!!

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