Part 22

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*Kaylem's P.O.V*

I stayed on the beach for a copule of hours thinking and tryin to call Kayden, Everytime i called he'd reject it. The last time i called i got the message that my number has been blocked. I scoffed and put my face in my knees, I guess i deserve that i basically did block him out of my life for fout months now he's doing the same. I scrolled threw my block list more on my phone and came across Leah's number. I unblockesd her number and called it. It rang twice and she answered in panic "Omg Kaylem you're alive what the hell happen last thing i heard was you were almost killed then i call you and my number was blocked!"

I sighed "It's a long story that ends with me getting married"

She choked on something" What! You're married and i wasn't invited to the wedding!"

I laughed at little "Leah i wasn't even invited to my own wedding"

"Omg! I need fucking details now!"

I groaned and rubbed my forehead and told her about everything from the time i lost my baby, to leaving the hospital, Bruno cheating on me telling me he loved Jasmine,And me stabbing him and leaving and moving to Florida and blocking everyone, And trent and the drugs to Bruno being pissed at me because i was being stubborn.

She sighed "Kaylem i thought you were done with Trent"

"Thats not the point Leah, I don't know what to do"

"First thing it sounds like you need to do is Sober up some. Second thing i understand why Bruno did what he did i hope you understand it to soon and third i think you need to call your brother"

"I did he doesn't want to talk to me he said he has a baby to take care of" I sighed.

"Oh so he did tell you that Cindy is 3 months pregnant"

"Omg you knew!" I shouted threw the phone

"Yea and you would have known if you didn't go M.I.A for four months just like you would have known that i am 6 months pregnant" 

My mouth dropped did she say six months "Leah six months pregnant you coukd have told me this five months ago!"

"How could i have told you and you were lying on your death bed! I was gonna keep it a secret until every one got the invitations to my baby shower but i found out i'm having a girl and i wanted to tell you but when i called my number was blocked"

I sighed "I'm sorry Leah i wont happen again."

"It better not my daughter needs a godmother"

I half smiled feeling a little hint of jealousy in the pit of my stomach "She woulda been a little sister"

"Yea, I'm sorry you had to go threw that Kaylem"

I tear fell dowm mu cheek "It's cool,Ima call you back later okay"

"Okay Kay kay"

She hung up and i stuck my phone in my pocket and sighed at least Leah still in my corner.  I spent a few more hours on the beach until the sun went down. I got up and went back inside the hotel and went up to mines and Bruno's hotel suite to find Bruno sitting on the bed listenung to music and going threw his phone. I sat next to him and took on of his earphones out of his ear "Bruno can we talk"

He looked at me and scoffed then put his earphone back in his ear amd got up and walked out. Ugh now he's ignoring me. I got up thinking i was gonna chase after him but when i opened the door Bruno's sister Tahiti was standing there with her hands on her hips.

"We need to talk"  She said before i can say anything.

"About?"  I sighed

"Can i come in?"

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