Part 14

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*Bruno's P.O.V*

Kaylem stared at me like she wanted to say something to me but couldn't due to the tube that is breathing for her. She moved her hand brushing her fingers over Kayden's hand.  He popped "What the fu- oh my God Kaylem!"

Since nobody else paid attention her being awake and me saying 'Hello Gorgeous' They all all jumped and looked at Kaylem.  Her Grandmother burst out into sobs and walked towards her bed. And all of a sudden Kaylem's face turned red and her heart rates started to sky rocket. I wasn't until until the doctors and nurse rushed in to what was going that i realized that Kaylem is pissed off at the sight of her grandmother. I looked at Kayden "Take her out in the waiting room until Kaylem calms down"

He scoffed and got up and pulled his grandmother out of the room. Phil and Eric got up and followed out too. Once the door closed the doctor stood above Kaylem in complete shock. He wasn't expecting her to survive i guess the nurse was right earlier.

He took her blood pressure and checks all of her other vitals including her oxygen levels and smiled "Kaylem you are one lucky girl it looks like all your Vitals are good and your oxygen levels are amazing right now i can take you off the the air vent right away and place you on a oxygen mask the only thing it that it may be very hard for ypu tp talk for a while but we'll be here to monitor you for a while"

Kaylem slightly nodded and reached for my hand.I grabbed her hand tighly and mouthed 'I love you'. She grinned a little and the doctor turned to me "If you don't mind can you step out the room so we can unacess her from the air vent"

"I nodded and let go of Kaylem's hand "Sure.... I'll be back baby... Oh can i talk to you before you disconnect her from that."

He nodded and we walked over to s corner. I glanced at Kaylen and she looking at me. Smiled at her then whispered to the doctor "Whatever you do don't tell her about the babg i wanna tell her about the babt i think she will take it better from me"

"Okay man i understand my lips are sealed" He shook my hand ane went back to attened to Kaylem. I walked out the room and went to the Waiting room to find all of my sisters there and Jasmines sitting in a chair in the corner looking like she saw a ghost. Presley ran up to me "Omg we heard what happened to your girlfriend is she okay" She said almost knocking me down.

I stumbled back and raised my eyebrow "So ya'll care now?"

"Bruno that's not fair i always did care it wasn't me that was calling her names i swear i stayed on your side it was all Tahiti, Jaimie, And Tiara. I actually wanted to get to know her but you never answered the phone and so much went down at thr babyshower. Who do you think forced them to leave Hawaii to support you Me! And i'm so sorry about the lost of your daughter" She put her little puppy dog face on knowing i can't resist it. I sighed and pulled her into a hug. Wait how did she know we lost a baby!

I pushed back a little "which on of those fools told ya'll about my daughter? "

She pointed to Kayden "The cute light skinned one that i'm going to give my number too later"

I rolled my eyes i swear i'm going to kill that little fucker. "First thing He's Kaylem's Brother. Second he had a girlfriend and third he is 17 years old that would be rape"

"It's not rape if he wants it"

I shook my head anf d started laughing "I can't talk to you know more Pres"

I walked past her and walked to the little crowd  that everyone made Tahiti looled at me "How is your little girlfriend we heard she woke up"

"She's fine she's getting tooken off the air vent right now" I said with a little cheer in my voice.

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