Part 23

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*Bruno's P.O.V*

I rolles my eyes and Put Kaylem back on the ground. These people always cock blocking me. "What do ya'll want" I asked slightly annoyed

Tiara laughed "Well we were coming to see if Kaylem wanted to come shopping with us"

"So now ya'll want to be friends with Kaylem?"

"We want to get to know her we haven't gotten a chance to get to know her"

I raised my eyebrow "Ohh really niw who's fault is that?"

"Jasmine's"Tahiti scoffed

"Tahiti's" Presley smirked

I couldn't help but laugh "I agree"

Tahiti crossed her arms looking pissed "Ha ha very funny but it's Jasmine's fault she was feeding us lies"

"And you realized this before or after your house almost caught fire?"

Shr gave me a hateful look then flashed me her middle finger "Fuck you Bruno!... Kaylem would you like to come shopping with us?"

I giggled and Kaylem shrugged "I guess so"

"babe you don't have to go if you don't want to" I kissed forhead

"I actually do have to. During your whole let's get married plan you forgot my clothes"

Oh shit k knew i was forgetting something but i was in a rush my bad and i didn't plan on her drugging herself "Shit i'm sorry baby.... If they start being mean to you call me and i'll come get you"

She giggled, God i missed that shit "I'm a big girl but okay"

I leaned in kissed her soft lips. She broke the kiss and smiled and walked away with my sisters. I don't know how i ever let that go. I should've been a man and stood up to Jasmine's dad instead of what i did.

I went back inside to where Phil was sitting drinking Chocolate milk. Why is he drinking that i don't know he's gay or something. I sat down and he looked up at me "Everything okay you grabbed Kaylem like you was about to flip"

I smirked "Nahh we're just on better terms"


"Meaning you have a chocolate mustache" I pointed at his face

He wiped his mouth "Fuck off! Now tell me what happened"

"Oh my gosh Phil lip! you are so about the gossip" I said in a sassy voice snapping my fingers and rolling my neck.

He laughed "Stop playing you freaking munchkin"

I laughed "Okay okay shit. She understands what i did was to protect her and i asked her to stay my wife and she told me to put my ring back on and i was about to do her behind a rock but my cock blocking sisters dragged her shopping"

His face went blank for a second "Did you say your sisters dragged her shopping? The same sisters that wanted her out of your life not to long ago?"

I nodded "Yep... well Presley always wanted to be Kaylem's friend i just kept their distance for each other"

He shook his head "Wow so i'm guessing you want this back?"

He waved his pinky with my wedding ring on. I nodded "Yea give me my shit"

He pulled at my ring and made a worried face "Oh shit Bru i can't get it off"

"What the fuck you mean you can't get it off?!?!"

"Meaning my mother fucking finger swelled around the ring!" He panicked

That caused me to panic "Oh my fucking God i literally just got my girl back and you do something to fuck it up already!"

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