Part 26

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*Kaylem's P.O.V*

I blinked a few times as i thought my eyes were deceiving me. But everytime i would open my eyes my dad was standing right there. He smiled with tears filling his eyes "Hi Bumblebee"

I still stood there shocked. I leaned over tk Bruno "I think i'm hallucinating Bruno you see him too right?"

Bruno wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head "Yea i see him to baby"

That's what i was afraid of. A few tears escaped my eyes and i looked at me dad "H-how are you here? You're supposed to be dead."

He stepped closer to me and i stepped back into Bruno. My dad sighed "I know Bumblebee i was in a Coma after the crash and woke up two months ago"

A coma? "I was told you and mom died on the scene. How did i not know you were in coma?!" I practically screamed.

"Your grandmother she thought it be best for you and your brother if she told you that me and your mother were both dead. I wasn't supposed to live"

"So is my mom alive?"

He bit his lip trying to hold back tears "Bumblebee I-"

I stopped him because i know where this is going. Of course my mom is dead she would have walked up in here right by my dad sad. "Don't even answer that"

He was about about to say something and the baby started crying. I let out a sigh of relief that the baby started crying so now that i can focus on him wrap my head around my dad being here. I went and grabbed the baby's carseat and diaper bag "I-i gotta go get him changed"

I walked upstairs to my old room. I stopped af the half open door with 'Mrs Mars' written in gold letters. I smiled a little as this would be my first time in two and a half years walking into my room. I took a deep breath and pushed the door fully open with foot and walked in. I looked around just taking it all in. All the pictures of Bruno the cut out of Bruno, It feels funny walking into this room after the year and a half i've had with Bruno. All the ups and down we've had and to think my love for him started here before i even personally knew him. I smiled at the thought then put the car seat on my bed. I took lil Bruno out and he immediately stopped crying once he saw his daddy's face on the wall over my head. I giggled at how big his little eyes got seeing his daddy all over the wall. I laid him down feeling that he was wet "Aww little tink you're all wet!"

He smiled a little and i changed his diaper and clothes. I sat him on the bed next to put me and put his toys in front of him. I watched Lil Bruno play for a whil until Bruno walked in my room "Your dad wants to talk to you baby"

I shook my head "I can't Bruno. I can't face him he's supposed to be dead!"

"I know baby but thats your dad and he misses you"

I looked up at him and scoffed "He can miss me all he wants Bruno, I still can't face him i just need some time just like the baby needs more wipes"

Bruno giggled "Yoi better wet a washcloth to wipe the boy's ass"

"Bruno i'm not about to wipe his ass with a washcloth!" I yelles while laughing.

"What! Kaylem it works just as well as buying wipes"

I shook my head "Will you shut up and go get him some wipes"

He shook his head "No if you want them you go get them!"

"You're being a dick Bruno!"

He smirked "I know and i got a big one to go along with it wanna see"

Omg! I burst out laughing and stood up "You are nasty, I'll go get the wipes!"

He laughed while grabbing my face "I knew i could make you laugh, Here you go baby"

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