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*Present day/Narrator's P.O.V*

Dr. Harvey wrote everything that the couple had said. And in her mind she had already came up with a conclusion but first she needed to ask some questions because she like she promised she would save all her comments until the end. "So after that day ya'll hadn't spoke for a year until you got here? Am i correct?"

Both of them nodded and Dr. Harvey turned her head to the side "May i ask why it took so long to get here?"

The couple looked at eachother and Bruno began to talk "Everytime i would contact her afterwards we'd yell and scream at each otherand it just wasn't no use. And then last week i took the chance of calling her and askong if she would meet me and Lil Bru at the mall and she didn't hesitate in agreeing to meet up with me"

Dr. Harvey nodded and looked at Kaylem who began to mess with her figers to get away from her husband's intimidating gaze. "Kaylem why did you agree to mee with Peter?"

Kaylem shrugged and quickly looked at Bruno then back at her fingers "Somebody told me that what me and Bruno have is something worth fighting for and that we were both wrong and unreasonable and that i should at least hear what he had to say. So i guess he deserved that"

"Okay and what did Peter say to you to get you here into my office today?"

Kaylem sighed running her fingers to her light Brown wavy hair "He said that he made some mistakes and the biggest mistake he made was hurting me and that he didn't want a divorce and that he would do anything in the world to keep me. Then he said he had already made the appointment with you and that i couldn't back out of it if i tried"

"Did you believe him?"

Kaylem Slightly rolled her eyes "I'm here aren't i"

"You didn't have to get smart with her she was just asking you a question" Bruno said checking his wife in her sudden attitude.

Kaylem cut her eyes at Bruno "I wasn't getting smart with her Bruno damn! Ugh Dr. Harvey i'm sorry if it sounded like i was getting a attitude i wasn't i swear. I just uh- She stopped and tears instantly filled in her eyes.

Dr. Harvey smiled taking down her glasses knowing she hit a break though "Kaylem why are you crying?"

Kaylem shrugged "I don't know i just-"

"You love eachother" Dr. Havery said cutting her off.

The couple looked up at her confused wondering how could they possibly still be in love when all they have been doing is biting at each other's neck. Dr. Harvey could pretty much read their minds well their faces and laughed "Kaylem you're crying right now Because you love him. And Peter you're hurting her because you love her. And before you ask it's natural! There are many ways to show tht you love soneone but sometimes you can put them away and then when it comes back to bite you in the ass like it did Peter you will regret it and find another way to love one another. Let's use Peter telling you Kaylem that he hates you as an example. Do you think when he wod be sitting here today with you tell me your whole relationship history if he didn't love you. He only said that to get emotion out of you. Peter wanted you to hurt just as much as you hurt him. And as i sat here listening to the last two hours of this story it makes me realize you aren't angry with Peter because of the lost of your babies you're angry with him because every time you look at him you see a baby that you wanted. All you want Kaylem is a child of your own. And Peter every you wanted that's not fame and fortune is sitting right next you waiting for you to stop being such a prick"

At this moment Kaylem's face was drenched in tears and Bruno was just in awe as they realized that Dr. Harvey is right. "Peter i want you to hold Kaylem's hand and look her in the eye and tell her what you feel" Dr. Harvey said writing down the couple's progress.

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