Part 3

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*Bruno's P.O.V*

After Kaylem said yes to coming on tour with me i had one
of my band members take her suitcase to the bus. I grabbed her by her waist and pulled her close to me kissing her on the lips "We're going to have so much fun"

She slightly smile "I know i just wish i didn't have to abandon my baby brother like this"

I stroked her hair "It's gonna be okay you're not abandoning him you're just taking a well needed 6 month vacation babe"

She looked down i know she's feeling a little bad but for my sake i need her to perk up about this because if she's feeling guilty about her brother it's going to rub off on me and i'm gonna start thinking about Jasmine and that can't happen not right now at least. She let out a small sigh "You're right"

I lifted her chin and smiled "I know i am now come on lets go get on the bus you can call your brother then"

She nodded and we left and went to my tour bus. Everybody on the bus except Phil looked at us confused i looked at Kaylem and pointed to the door thats in the back of the bus "Thats my own personal room go in there and call your brother"

She nodded and kissed her cheek and she went back to the room. As soon as the door closed my brother Eric threw his hands up "Bruno what the hell are you doing"

I smirked "Fixing my feelings"

"Fixing your feelings so what you're fucking this girl?"

I rolled my eyes because when it comes to Jasmine Eric gets all defensive over her like she related to him and the last time i checked She's Phil's cousin and he certainly doesn't have a problem with me having a tour girlfriend. Sometimes i think there is something going between Eric and Jasmine but thats just my thought. "Eric it's none of your damn business what i'm doing with a girl i bring on MY tour bus"

He shook his head "Wait until Jasmine find out about this"

I smirked "She already knows who do you think told me to do it in the first place"

He had a disgust look on his face and left me alone after that.

About and hour after the bus got on the road Kaylem still hasn't came from the back she must still be on the phone with her brother maybe i should go check on her. I got up and started walking to back until pushed his phone to my face and whispered "You're real girlfriend you forgot to call her back after this morning"

Shit i knew there was something i was supposed to be doing. I grabbed phone "Hello"

"Hey baby what happen to you this morning you were supposed to call me back"

"I'm sorry babe i got a little side tracked"

"Mhm let me guess with that girl you slept with last night"

I chuckled a little "Oh no baby she left a little after you got off the phone her little brother was worried sick about her. I was caught up looking for my guitar pick it wasn't in my case"

I lied this morning my thoughts were to wrapped up around getting Kaylem to go on tour with me and the way she put it on me it was to damn good for her to be a virgin. I smirked just thinking about it i think i'm going to be addicted for these next six months. "Bruno? Bruno? Peter!"

I heard Jasmine's voice echo causing me to snap out of my thoughts. "Huh?"

"I was saying something to you"

"Oh i'm sorry baby what were you saying Phil's phone is touch sensitive the phone when on mute what were you saying?"

"I was saying you must have been freaking out and i heard you brought the girl on tour with you"

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