Chapter 20

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Hoseok POV

For someone regarded as a master problem solver, Suhyun was quite skilled at flat out ignoring a problem.

She was getting on with business as if nothing had happened. Back to stone cold Suhyun again.

Work was serious of course, especially today, but still, I couldn't see how she possibly could just act as if it didn't happen.

It killed my spirit a little. Maybe she hated me after that? Or maybe it was so terrible and off-putting?

"Look alive, rookie. Today is crucial. These other guys are most definitely going to try something. Either to put us in harm's way, or try something shoddy. Be on your toes," she instructed, pulling me away from my deprecating thoughts.

I sighed, nodding at her orders. I guess I just had to let it go. At least for the time being.

I mindlessly stared at her as she fiddled around with her notes. I honestly should've been more responsible. This was my first mission, and I was here getting wrapped up in something like this. Instead of focusing and learning from this experience, I was letting myself get distracted by something silly.

Maybe I was ego-boosted by the fact that Suhyun, the literal princess of this field was being kind with me and shared with me her personal secrets.

But maybe she'd humble me and knock me out of my impossible delusion.

"Why are you staring at the wall rookie?" She asked curiously, crouching beside me.

"Huh? Oh, no reason, just admiring the architecture. Haha I wanted to be an architect when I was little," I chuckled nervously.

"Uh I thought you were a dancer," she remarked.

"Can't a guy have multiple hobbies?" I huffed.

"Right...well get ready soon. We need to head out soon. And we'll need to be extremely observant," she warned.

Her casualness about this whole thing had appalled me. It was as if she had just simply grown accustomed to this life. Maybe that was what happened. It was easy to lose touch with reality. Maybe that's what was going on with her.

Of course that fact only made me feel ten times worse.

"Are you two ready? Doesn't matter if you are, we'll drag you out either way."

Suhyun shot me a look to pull myself together before mumbling a small agreement.

Just my luck, it had to be Wooseok who came barging in to get us. He dragged Suhyun out before I could even try to and had the others pick me up like trash.

Suhyun had to make do with his grip though I could tell she wanted to squirm away, yet she had no choice but to stay stuck to him.

The two of us were tossed into the back of a van, barely getting to revel in a moment of the sunlight we so rarely saw.

Though the good thing was that they had begun to trust us a lot more and had gotten rid of constantly tying our limbs every time we moved.

Though we were smushed into the trunk, she managed to huddle close to me, offering a small but warm smile.

And there went my heart again on its enthusiastic sprint.

"I wonder where they're taking us," I hummed.

"Who knows? It could be anything at this point. Although, for an apology meal, I'd say they'd try to be as upscale as possible. Up the price, rebuild the trust," she theorized.

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