choice four

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hi guys, i haven't really been feeling up to making these chapters, but i decided that i'll do it anyways. sorry for the inconsistent updating schedule, i'm not used to this. the veiws are more than i had expected, (46??? jeez) so thank you guys.

venti pov:

i watched as xiao walked out of the room. i looked to hu tao, her hair down. it was very long and pretty. though i've noticed she keeps it up in pigtails all the time. the other girl, ganyu, had long blue hair. i wondered if it was dyed. probably, but i never know. hu tao walked up to me, sitting beside me. "so, venti." i looked to her, not moving away from her. "what do you think of xiao?" a slightly creepy smirk appeared on her face. ganyu just a stared at her. "hu tao that's probably-" hu tao shook her head. "no, no, i know what i saw." she turned back to me. "so?"

i shrugged. "he's pretty i guess." hu tao clapped her hands. "so straight forward! i like it!" she smiled. my face became slightly heated at what i had just said. he is pretty, but he seems a little mean..almost annoyed at me in particular. right as i was thinking about him, he walked in. i looked up to see him dressed in my shirt, which was a little big, given i was a couple inches taller than him at least, the shorts having the same issue. he seemed slightly embarrassed that he had to use my clothes.

he set his pile of clothes on the floor near ganyu and hu tao's, and sat down, leaning on bottom part of my desk. "so what's the deal?" hu tao looked to him and pointed at the ground. "you there." she pointed tk the bed. "new kid, here." she pointed to the wall. "ganyu and i over there." xiao stared at her in annoyance. "did you even talk that over with venti?" i immediately looked at him when he said my name. my heart skipped a beat hearing him day my name.

he looked to me, us staring at eachother for a moment before he looked away clearly embarrassed. he gets embarrassed easily. i looked to hu tao, nodding. "i think it'll be okay." it's odd having people stay at my house, i've never had friends like this..

hu tao clapped her hands together multiple times. "okay okay! we can stay together a little longer though! we'll start talking after ganyu and i get set up in the guest room!" i looked to her, and i could basically see flowers floating around her. she was really happy, huh? i nodded. "okay. i can help if you-"

"no no! you and xiao get set up here. we'll be fine venti!!" she said, extending a hand out to the blue haired girl once she stood up. i sighed once they had left, leaving xiao to look at me. "..sorry for barging in here. i know it's rude of us." i shook my head. "no, really it's fine. i'm glad you guys decided to come over!" xiao stared at the ground. "hu tao really wanted to meet you and now we're forced into a sleep over." he clicked his tongue. "that girl i swear.."

i giggled, standing up. "really, i don't mind." he looked to me, his seemingly annoyed face turning into a calm one.

i turned to my closet, reaching to the top. i grabbed the extra futon i had in my room, and a couple blankets. "will this be good?" i turned to him, the smile still resting on my face. he nodded. "it'll be fine." i pulled them down, setting them down on the ground. "okay, okay." i started setting up the futon, throwing the blankets on top. "done!" i said, proud of my work. xiao stared at me, then where his so called bed is. "no." i looked at him. "no?" i said, a hint of confusion in my voice. he stepped over, grabbing the blankets and carefully folding them so they'd fit on the futon perfectly. "you just threw them on. you have to make them look nice at least."

i laughed, embarrassed at how sloppy my work actually was. he finished making the futon look pretty, and i sat back onto my bed. "so," he started, sitting back onto the floor. i looked at him. "did you just move to liyue?" i nodded, laying down. "i lived in mondstat for my whole life. my mom decided to be a teacher over here." xiao nodded. "what kind of teacher?" he asked, walking over to my bed side, sitting down. "just a math teacher. i think it's for our grade." i could hear him sigh, but i decided to ignore it. "so-" xiao was dusky interrupted by hu tao slamming my door open. "hey guys!" she practically yelled. i saw xiao jump. standing up. "hu tao i swear if you don't stop doing that i won't be scared to hit you." i laughed nervously at his threat, it seemed a little too real. "so you guys are set up in there?" i asked, following xiao's lead and standing up. hu tao nodded happily, ganyu smiling a little behind her. "so are you guys hungry or is it just me?" hu tao giggled, leaving xiao more annoyed than before. i nodded. "im sure we have some sort of food. you guys ate lunch right?" i asked walking past hu tao. "nope! actually, why did we change if we still ahve to rest of the day left to explore??" she followed me. "because i can't really go outside, and it'll be more comfortable for you guys here." hu tao sighed. "why can't you go outside?"i shrugged. "my knee has been bothering me, so i've been refraining from doing much activity. especially outside due to the uneven ground." ganyu and xiao followed behind hu tao. "hey mom?" i called, walking into the kitchen.

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