choice nine

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"pillows hu tao, pillows." xiao threw a pillow at hu tao's face, causing her to fall over. she grabbed the pillow, lifting it off her face. 

"yes yes I know!" she said, still trying to forget the fact that the yaksha are dead. xiao said they got into a small dispute with another gang, and they had no desire to let the others talk. so, as gangs tend to do, they killed them. on accident of course, they had no intention to kill them, just to possibly shut them up or seriously hurt them. who knows.

the only thing hu tao could do at this moment is be happy, for xiao. he needed something right now, and even if he doesn't act like it, hu tao knows if she's not there nothing will end well. ganyu is usually too busy doing work-or sleeping, so she normally can't calm xiao down or anything.

 and venti- hu tao doesn't trust him. he doesn't know this side of xiao, and it worried her thinking that venti won't want to handle it.

"hu tao?" hu tao snapped out of her thoughts, turning to xiao. 

"mhm?" xiao looked down, and shook his head. 

"nevermind." he aw said, throwing a pillow onto the floor to where they where going to build their fort. hu tao placed the two other pillows, the one xiao threw and the other by her foot. 

"when's mr. zhongli going to be back?" xiao shrugged. 

"maybe later today- the parlour said he had extra work today. plus Childe said he'd take him out for dinner." hu tao nodded. 

"okay, well we can make an amazing fort together in the mean time!" xiao sighed, walking away from hu tao, as she sat in thought about how to build the fort.


"IT'S DONE!" hu tao practically screamed, making xiao flinch. 

"hu tao- my neighbours.." he muttered, gently placing his hand on his face. hu tao covered her mouth, yet still giggling.

 "sorry." xiao removed his hand, kneeling down and crawling into the small fort. he sat criss-crossed, exploring the place with his eyes. hu tao climbed in as well, flopping down once she got in fully. 

"your very good at building forts." she said, rolling over. he nodded, looking at her.

 "do you need something to change into?" hu tao looked at her outfit and chuckled. 

"I'll steal something from you- whats off limits?" she asked, sitting up. "my 4 sweatshirts in the corner of my closet, and my 4nemo shirt. you're good otherwise." hu tao nodded happily. 

"thank you!" she said, jumping up and walking out of the fort with a small duck.

hu tao walked up the stairs, excited to look around xiao's room. she walked up, wandering around the big upstairs before she opened a door, seeing a white collared wall, with a bunch of pictures taped to one wall with a small twin bed next to it.

 the desk was a dark grey colour, and it had a laptop on it, plus some papers and a flute. it had some crumbled pieces of paper which seemed like notes for the instrument. hu tao walked in, seeing his closet door closed, she opened it, quickly grabbing a shirt, sweatshirt and a pair of shorts.

 (they're so accustom to sharing clothes so hu tao doesn't care what she picks.)

 she held them in one arm as she looked around the "hidden" room.  she looked at the pictures, many of her and xiao together, and him and ganyu- and all three of them. 

most of them with his old friends too, some of the yaksha, his family and one of a little boy with dark hair which was braided back into a small ponytail. there were a couple of him actually. hu tao inspected him room, nothing out of the ordinary which was worth hiding from hu tao for years. 

hu tao looked on his desk, the same blue coloured flute showing up. she poked around at the papers which had different songs written on them all revolving around the word "bard". yawning, she took a look at the pictures, the same dark haired boy in all of them. she was slightly disappointed at the sight, and walked out of his room to the bathroom so she could change.

"you took probably about 10 minutes." xiao said, opening one eye to greet hu tao.

"meh, I had to find good clothes." xiao sighed, closing both eyes.

 "sure, sure." he muttered. hu tao chuckled, grabbing her phone from her pocket, sitting down. she looked at xiao- for once looking innocent and..peaceful. she smiled softly. 

"you're like my little cousin sometimes." she sighed, snapping a quick picture. she plopped down onto the floor. she looked up at the sheets, her phone now on the floor. "well..maybe I'll go ask yanfei tomorrow..." she muttered, not bothering to finish her sentence. she closed her eyes, laying in a starfish position falling asleep pretty quickly.


anyways, sorry for a late(r) update, i just had trouble finishing this chapter.

thank you for 2k reads,,,,,thats more than last time o-o <3333

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