finsihing note!

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ok wow so i totally lied?? i never gave you guys an end of the book authors note so here is ti finally holy SHIITIITISG

hi! it's been like a month.

this book is at it's official end, now that i'm posting the last authors note! i don't think anyone missed it, but i said i would post one (in the last chapter. A MONTH AGO). so yes. hello.

i'm honestly just here to say thank you in the longest way possible, so:

in september 14th 2021, i celebrated us hitting 1.3k reads on wattpad. now, on march 20th 2022, i am celebrating 18,578 reads, and the completion of the book. it's crazy how fast things can grow and change! i'm almost relived that this book is over, as it was getting too long for me to handle lol. and i've been gaining more hobbies that dominate my time instead of writing.

it's funny how i went from fanficiton writing, to manga creation, to now both at the same time. anyways, this book has been a big learning experience, and i thank you all for adding to that! i've never had any experiences of being able to share my writing and actually get exciting feedback.

it's an experience everyone should treasure, and it's an experience i never want to forget.

xiaoven is a ship that actually means a whole lot to me, and i'm super glad other people like it as much as i do!

i think we've all had a rough year, but i think wattpad cheered me up quite a bit!

thank you all, so much for the endless support on this story.

I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH, and i thank you for what's happened this year <3

- xing <33

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