choice twenty four

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Ayaka turned her head, seeing the short golden eyed Xiao. 

"Xiao?" She said with a sweet smile. 

"Oh, it was you." He said, his face not changing from when Ayaka first saw him. 

"Yup! It is. Need anything?" She asked, the bot shrugging, his gaze pointing down. 

"No, Your classroom is just not up here, or at least that's what Venti said." Ayaka nodded politely, agreeing with him. 

"It's not, but I had more..important business to attend to up here!"

Xiao looked at her suspiciously, but nodded. 

"Alright well-" Xiao started, but didn't get to finish. 

"Where's your classroom Xiao? What are you doing out here?" Xiao stared at her for a moment before shrugging. 

"Getting supplies for the teacher." Ayaka giggled, knowing he had advanced english. 

"Well, I had nothing I needed to ask." Ayaka bowed her head, and turned away. She was going to ask Xiao about the relationship! Why did she turn away?

"I'm so stupid.." she thought to herself, before xiao started talking again.

 "Ayaka, I have something to ask you though." Ayaka turned her head, glad she had another shot at asking. "You like Yoimiya, right?"

Ayaka's face suddenly dusted a light pink colour. 

"Oh," She fiddled with her fingers. "Well.." Xiao shrugged. 

"Sorry, it's just i found the letter you wrote her. Venti asked me to hold it for a second, when he was grabbing something out of his locker." Ayaka nodded along, understanding. 

"I do, though i'm not certain about what should come next..I've liked her, but I've wondered wether or not I'm actually ready for anything more." Xiao looked at her with nothing more than certainty. 

"I know, I've felt that way." He leaned against the windowsill that was beside the hallway. He looked out, observing everything he saw. "You have time. Yoimiya has time too. Things work out the way they're supposed to."

Ayaka stared at Xiao speak, her eyes lightening. 

"Love is a funny thing, I can't describe it." Ayaka nodded along, folding her hands politely. "If neither of you are ready, wait. Wait until you feel ready enough to commit to something." The girl looked out the window, looking at the trees ahead of her. 

"Yeah." Xiao leaned away from the windowsill and stretched his arms upwards. 

"Well I'm missing out on english with venti." He pointed past Ayaka. 

"My supplies I need are that way." He started on walking, before Ayaka said something, asking him to stop. 

"You and Venti," She breathed out. "You're together right? Like officially dating." Xiao looked to her and nodded. His face showed nor form of embarrassment, but his ears showed a different answer. 

"I'm not 100%, but I think it's there. I haven't asked him officially yet."

"I'm worried about you two," Ayaka admitted, leaving Xiao confused. "Worried?" He questioned. Ayaka nodded. "Well I overheard Ei and-" She stopped when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Miss Kamisato, mind explaining to me why you aren't in class?" Ayaka turned her head, her knees nearly failing her. 

"u-uh, yes sir, i was just taking a walk to the bathroom." She lied, which she wasn't very good at. Xiao looked at the teacher and bowed his head, pointing back to the hallway. 

"english prints for the teacher." The teacher stared suspiciously at the both of them, and turned their head. 

"Hurry along." Ayaka nodded, running past Xiao, not saying another word. Xiao stared at her, and turned back to his classroom.

"Xiao! What took you so long? I heard you ta-" Xiao sat down abruptly, disturbing most people beside them. "Huh? Xiao-xiao? What's wrong?" Venti asked, smiling awkwardly to the people around them. 

"It's nothing." He took a deep breath and looked at his canvas. 

"miss, the papers didn't print. try again." He lied, picking up his pencil again. Venti giggled. 

"you're lying aren't you?" He whispered, xiao sighing awkwardly. 

"maybe." he admitted, looking back to the worksheet.

The bell had rang, leaving Xiao and Venti to pack up their stuff after everyone was long gone for their lunch break. 

"Hey ven," Xiao said, making sure no one was around before he continued. "What would you do if someone knew something about us?" Venti looked up, shrugging. 

"Depends who, but i really have no issue with it..We aren't official or anything, so who knows." He smiled, throwing his bag over his shoulder. 

"I have to deliver this letter to Yoimiya, so I'll meet you under the tree, right?" Xiao nodded, watching Venti smile.

"Bye Xiao!" The other boy waved silently, turning his head and heading out the other door. 

"Who's Ei?' He asked himself, walking aimlessly down the hallways of his school. "Ei, Ei, Ei..." He repeated the name, some reason thinking it would get him somewhere. He groaned, giving it up. "If "Ei" starts a problem, I'll just scare them away." He moved his direction towards the cafeteria. "Almond tofu.."


"Yoimiyaa~" The blonde girl flipped her head, the odd hairpins hitting against each other, making a 'clank' noise. 

"Venti?" She asked in an innocent tone, turning her whole body to face the bot. 

"What is it? I thought you and Xiao went already.." Venti smiled, handing her a letter, perfectly in tact. 

"Here!" He said. happily, the other girl confused, but took it anyways. 

"Thank you? Who is it from?" Venti stuck out his tongue before running away, leaving the girl by herself.

"What was that.." She sighed, turning her attention back to the envelope. She ripped it open carelessly, grabbing the letter inside and unfolding it. As she read the letter, her face got a brighter shade of red. 

"No way!" She buried her face in the letter.

Venti looked back at Yoimiya a couple minutes later, satisfied with the red tinted cheeks her saw on Yoimiya. 

"Well my word here is don-" He turned around, suddenly being crashed into, hitting against the floor. 

"Oh- I'm sorry! Here," Venti opened his eyes, seeing a familiar face in-front of him, with her hand out. "Ei?!" He almost yelled, The girl flinching. She stared at him before realizing. 


"What are you doing here?!"


nice nice, i finished this chapter- alright- well i have a plan to end this book and i feel good about it, despite this not being my best chapter- i think it's fine TvT and with my DYING FJIASHJBFNSKAFK (finger) i finished this a day later lol

sakura hold my hand pls

anyways, enjoy the food i just gave u all???

- author xing

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