Chapter 38

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I couldn't believe that Francis had just manhandled me like that, but i didn't have much time to think about what was going on. I was too busy holding on for dear life as he swooped in and out of trees as if he was a bird stalking it's prey. I was dizzy and my arms were growing tired from holding onto him. We finally touched down in a pasture that was outside a rather large house. It didn't look like a rich person's house, but it was rather large all the same.

"Welcome to our home," Francis motioned at the house as Gavin landed right next to us. "Cecily has been staying with us. She left her family when she found out that they were following You-Know-Who."

"Our mum takes in any child who has lost their way," Gavin smiled as he walked towards the house. "I'll get Cecily if you want to go ahead and take her to the barn. We got to do this quickly."

Francis motioned to another building not too far off from the house. "You can ask her all your questions in there. No one should be able to see us."

I then remembered what Hermonie had told us about time traveling in our third year when she ahd to do it for classes. "I can't ask her anything. Not face to face anyway. It could really dismantel time if anything were to happen."

"But I've seen you and there is no way that it's changed the fabric of time," he looked as if that was a question, like he hadn't said it right or something. "What's gonna change if you and Cecily meet?"

' didn't have time to answer because as soon as we made it to the doors it was made clear that she was behind me and could very well see me. There was no hiding now. Besides, it's not like it was actually me seeing me. It was Cecily seeing me. A completely different person, but not. I slowly turned around. Even though I had already seen her, I gasped along with her as our eyes met.

"I shoud've believed you, Gavin." She pausedd, looking me over. "She really is me. Are you me from the future."

I shook my head. "I'm from the year 1999. I think I might be the reincarnation of you or it's just a major coincidence."

She nodded. "A very good one."

I shook it off. I was there for a reason. "Cecily, I have a few questiond to ask you about Daniel."

"What do you want to know?"

"What were you and him talking about this morning in that barn? I don't mean to pry, but it's very important to our cause, my cause."

She shook her head and looked down. "He came to tell me that his family had gone through with the marriage and that he was already married to that awful girl before he had came to see me this morning," she started to cry. "He was breaking things off for me for good since we could never be together. He doesn't think that he should've keep coming back to me beacause it's put me in great danger and that this would be the last he would ever see me. He said he knows that I'll get over him evventually.

Francis ran to her and pulled her into a hug. "That monster. He had no right."

"But he did," she spoke into his chest. "He's married now."

Gavin shook his head. "This just means that it's coming closer. The war could be any day now. He's going to try and finish this war before someone makes an attempt on his life."

I looked up at him. "Why would Daniel getting married have anything to do with the war?"

"The last time that Cecily was with him he said something about him being You-Know-Whos successor if someone or something happened to him before the end of the war," Gavin explained, "which obviously means that now that Daniel is married, he's gonna end it once and for all. His back up is in order. He's going to go for it."

That's when we realized that Gavin was right, but we wished that he would've been right ahead of time because just right after he had voiced his realization there was an explosion. It tore through the barn, carrying all of us into the air.

a/n: sorry about the long wait!! i hope it was worth it. i love all of you guys!

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