Chapter 33

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“Helena, stop this tantrum-“

“This tantrum?” Helena turned us both to face the person behind us, which was Blaise Zambini. “You think that this is a tantrum? This is not me throwing a tantrum. It’s about me finally getting what I want, about getting what Courtney has had this whole time.”

“So,” Blaise rolled his eyes, “a tantrum?”

She shook her head. “This is not a tantrum. You confuse me with a difficult three year old-“

“Shut it, Helena. You know that this has nothing to do with your mission. This is about your unresolved daddy issues and the jealousy that you’ve been harboring for Courtney,” Blaise shrugged his shoulders. “Sounds like a tantrum to me.”

I smiled up at Blaise. I had never been so happy to see him in all of my life. He was my savior. I just knew it from the sight of him there. I knew that there would be a fight of it, but it would be worth it if Blaise could help me escape. I winked at him and pointed my eyes to her hand, where she had both mine and her wands. He made a slight nod.

“You cannot just barge in here, Blaise,” she said, turning us back around. “I’m in the middle of something then I’m going to take her straight to the Dark Lord. I’m sorry but his plan to get Draco back on his side is going to have to wait for another five minutes.”

Blaise chuckled. “He’s already pissed, so I doubt that this news is going to make him smile. I need you to either willingly bring Courtney to him now, or I’m going to have to take her myself and steal all your glory.”

My mom looked as if she was about to cry. Her daughter could be slaughtered right in front of her face and then what would she have to live for? Her son had turned his back on them and had her other daughter. There wasn’t much she had besides my father, who was the person I hated most in all the world. I felt for my mom, but it can’t be helped. She was on her own if she chose to go back to the life that made her miserable.

“My glory? This isn’t about glory. This about me reaching clarity, and if the Dark Lord didn’t want me to achieve that, then he wouldn’t have made her my assignment now would he?”

“The Dark Lord likes to tempt us into straying from in order to test our loyalty, and Helena,” he sighed, “you’ve failed.”

She shook her head. “He knows that I’m loyal. He knows that my whole intentions are to serve him.”

“This isn’t showing him”

“Just give me another five minutes.”

“I’m sorry then Helena,” he sighed and I braced myself for what was to come. “Stupi-“

“Pretego!” Helena yelled and pointed over her shoulder. “Now,” she said, he wand pointing back at my head. “Tell me why you just abandoned me!”

My father stood up yet again. “Jade, I truly am sorry. Your mother didn’t tell me about you-“

“Stop!” My mother yelled and stood up. “I’m tired of you lying. She’s trying to reach out to you and has tried for the last fifteen years. You have ignored every single letter from her. He mother came and told us both that she was pregnant with her years before that and you paid her off in order to stay away from our family. She was just a one night stand that you needed while I couldn’t give you what you needed.” She walked over towards us and shook her had disappointedly. “Jade, this man, your father,” she threw a look over her shoulder, “is not a good man. I wouldn’t try to be in his life if I was you, and I wouldn’t be taking it out on Courtney either. It’s not her fault that this man ignored you. She didn’t have a great life growing up with him, and that’s my fault for letting her go through it. I’m done, you should be too.”

I smiled at my mom before I was tackled to the ground. I heard the wands fall to the floor out of her hands. I looked up and saw them rolling under the table. I felt her weight lifted off of my and chased those wands. After I had both in hand, I turned around with mine pointed out in front of me. I saw Blaise on the ground with his wand pointed at Helena’s throat. I looked over and saw that my dad had his wand pointed out too and it was directed right at me.

“Where do you think you’re going, Courtney? I’ve done everything for you, and now that you’re back, you think you’re just going to walk out of here freely?” he said, coming closer to me.

I shrugged. “I at the very least thought there would be a fight.”

“Courtney, don’t-“ my mom said from behind me but she was cut off.

“Courtney!” Blaise yelled from where he had Helena pinned down. “I’m gonna need you to come with me as soon as I calm her down.”

“If anyone is going to take her to the Dark Lord,” my dad yelled, his eyes going wide, “it will be me! She is my daughter, and it is my right to get the glory for it, son.”

I raised my wand and was about to yell out an attack at my own father, but someone beat me to it. It was like watching in slow motion as my mother raised her own wand and knocked my dad backwards into the wall. I watched as he fell to the ground, unconscious. My mom then grabbed my hand, and we both ran out of there as fast as we could. We ran out of the house and down into the little patch of woods behind the house before I stopped my mom and looked at her.

“I can’t believe what you just did in there, mum,” I said, touched.

She shook her head. “There’s no time. We have to get to a safe place. Let’s apperate n-“

I shook my head. “I bet there’s a trace. We’re still on the Flint property, and if I know dad, he reestablished that the night that I ran off with Adeline.”

She nodded in response. “Let’s go further into the woods-“

“No, mum. He’s probably got these whole woods watched. We need to get out of these woods first,” I breathed out hardly. “How about we go down by that park?”

She nodded. “There are woods around there. We can apparate there.”

We headed for the path I taken as a child down to the park. It had grown over, but then I hadn’t been to the park since I was eleven. It was the place that I went with Draco, and when we weren’t friends anymore, I couldn’t even think of going there without crying. I wasn’t paying much attention to where I was running. I faintly heard my mom cry out to me to stop, but I tripped and fell down the rest of the hill. I went to get up but then I saw why my mom had told me to stop. There was a shadow over top of me. I froze for a second before looking up into the eyes of the one person I wanted to see the most: Draco.

A/N: Sorry about the long wait guys! But I got some free time while I'm waiting on laundry so I cranked this out. I hope to get more out soon! I got a new job and my grandpa is on his way to recovery so I should have more time as soon as I get caught up with housework that got pushed to the side during the whole hospital thing and people putting me through more hours than I'm used to at work! Hope it was worth the wait! :D

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