New House Guests

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Anselma woke to the feeling of being rocked. Cracking open an eye she saw Tony carrying her through the halls of the Helicarrier. She strechted and glanced behind them. Noticing Thor and Loki trailing behind along with the rest of the Avengers she grinned. 

"Enjoy your nap?" Clint yawned from his own place in Steve's arms. Anselma huffed a laugh. "Yeah." She sighed. "You?" Clint scoffed at her raised eyebrow. "What?" He shrugged. "Halfway through the meeting you crawled into my lap and passed out. It's not my fault you make a comfortable pillow." Natasha rolled her eyes in fond amusement. "You missed the meeting." Steve pointed out uselessly. Anselma smiled at him. "Let me take a guess," she said while twisting so she was facing him. Tony cursed as he scrammbled to get a firm grip on her thighs. Anselma ignored him. "The L'Oreal models are going to stay here down below for a bit." Clint choked on a laugh. "So obviously they need a place to stay. Papa offered the superhero boy band with one badass exception." Natasha grinned smugly. "Fury refused. Papa threw a fit." At the whack on her back she rephrased. "I mean he insisted. The overgrown pup pouted and fluttered he big ocean after a storm blue eyes." Thor looked as if he wasn't sure if he should be offended or not. "Then the big cloud of suppressed gloom and despair with emerald green eyes used his powers of persuasion and Fury gave in." Loki adopted a look of offense. Anselma looked expectantly at Steve. "Well?" She asked. Steve chuckled. "Correct as always Anselma." He told her. She smiled happily.

"By the way Clint," Anselma said and looked to where he had sat up in Steve's hold. "You make a great pillow too." He smiled. "But not as well as Natalia." Clint stopped smiling and glared at Natasha. "Wait a second," he said while dragging his eyes to Anselma. "When did you ever fall asleep next to Tasha?" Anselma thought for a moment. "That one night we passed out because we were drunk-" Tony froze and slowly turned his head to look at his daughter. Steve tried to stop but couldn't in time. Clint's head slammed into Anselma's and she jerked back while hissing in pain. "Ow!" She shouted.

Coulson, who had been passing by, slowed and turned to make his way towards them. Coulson watched them for a minute. They made quite a sight. Tony was glaring between Natasha, who looked innocent as can be, and Anselma, who was rubbing her head. Steve was apologizing repeatedly to Anselma and Clint who was, for some reason, in his arms and cursing at the super soldier. Bruce was simultaneously trying to examine Clint and Anselma who were avoiding his hands like the plague. The two Norse gods were watching everything with clear amusement.

"What exactly is going on?" He asked, deciding to make his presence known. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at him. Anselma immediately watered her eyes and took a deep shuddering breath. Coulson's eyes softened. "Papa stopped walking," she said quietly. "And I hit my head on Clint's." Coulson glared darkly at Tony. "You," he barked. "With me. Now." Anselma was shifted to Bruce's arms and Tony reluctantly followed Coulson who gave Anselma a soft smile.

Anselma cackled once the two were out of sight. Clint glance at her warily. "You are terrifying." Anselma shrugged. Clint watched her for a moment thoughtfully. "Hmmm." He hummed. They began their trek back to their private quinjet.

"Want to help me with a small project?" Clint asked her suddeningly as they were boarding. Anselma met his eyes. "Oh yes," she whispered. "Let's throw a little chaos in the mix and watch them all scramble." They both laughed as everyone else exchanged looks of apprehension. "Are we going to wait for Tony?" Bruce asked while buckling up. "Nope." Natasha stated cheerfully. "He flew here." Anselma explained. "Ah." Bruce said.

She turned to the demigods. "You ready to see your new home?" They both looked to each other for a moment. "Well," Thor boomed. "It seems we shall never lack a good time." Anselma laughed. "No, Godilocks, I'm sure you won't."

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