10 Steps to Fuck Shit Up (Or the Time Clint & Anselmsa prank S.H.I.E.L.D.)

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Everything was calm for one week. One. And then Clint and Anselma snuck onto the Helicarrier. And then they put their plan into place. And then all hell broke loose.

-One hour earlier-
Clint quietly crawled through the vents and made his way to a screen looking down into the main room. "Sly, are you in position?" He whispered into his comm. Anselma was one floor below looking into the room from a vent on the floor. "Yes. Are you ready Shadow?" She took his small huff of laughter as a yes. "Initiate Step One." Clint grinned as their plan unfolded before them.

Step One: The sudden shrill of an alarm disturbed the once semi-peaceful air. The agents jumped in surprise. "WARNING! WARNING! ERROR DETECTED!" A female voice burst from the speakers. "WARNING! WARN-" Suddenly Clint's voice interrupts. "IT'S TIME FOR SOME FUN NOW BITCHES!"

Anselma smiled as step one went smoothly. "On to step two." She whispered. Pushing a button on the side of her earpiece every computer above her shut down. The agents began to look to each other for answers. Just then Clint hit his own button to move on to the next step.

The song 'I Put A Spell On You' blared through the room as the terminals powered on with the picture of a hawk carrying a snake. The words, SLY AND SHADOW ARE IN CONTROL NOW scrolled across the screen.

Step Four: All lights in the room began flashing from green to purple. The agents were stumbling around trying to figure out what was happening.

Anselma quickly moved on to step five. Clint was glad they had decided to decided silence Fury's alarms. They knew he would have been onto them in seconds. Grinning, Anselma and Clint released their cargo. Snakes of all kinds began slithering along the floor nipping at people's heels. Hawks flooded the room from the vents and divebombed anyone wearing jewelry. It was at this point the agents lost control.

Anselma slipped a small black box out of her pocket. Typing in a four digit pin in she went on to the sixth step. All the way on the other side of the Helicarrier Fury's office locked down. No alerts sounded so Fury just kept on working.

Step Seven: Another four digit pin. A clear scentless smoke filtered into the office. Once full it was sucked out silently. His office unlocked. An alarm shattered the silence of Fury's focus. He leapt to his feet with a curse on his lips.

Step Eight: Fury stormed down the halls seeking the problem.

Step Nine: Anselma and Clint made their escape. They were never seen. Fury reached the room.

Step Ten: He entered. He stared in surprise at his agents. Some were crouching on their desks while the rest cowered beneath them. There were no animals, no alarms, no messed up computers, no music, and no flashing lights. Everything was normal. Fury was surprised.

But not as much as his agents. After all it's not everyday they see Fury with bright yellow skin. It took him longer then he'd like to admit to figure out why they were laughing at him.

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