Prank War: Week One

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Day One:
It started off as a peaceful morning... then a bored Clint Barton woke up. Last week Tony had made a very colorful threat involving his jewels and a spoon. Now Clint wanted revenge... on Anselma. After all it was her fault.

Or that was the excuse he used when Anselma ran screaming from her room, dressed in only a towel, and hair covered in bubbles. "CLINT!" He was smart enough to have found an escape route beforehand.

Anselma ignored the others questions on what was going on as they appeared. Tony was the last to arrive. "What's going on here?" He asked staring at his drenched daughter who was seething with fury. Anselma whirled and stormed towards him. "Clint fucking Barton thought it would be sooo funny to throw a mouse in my shower." Tony winched at that remembering her terror of them in Afghanistan. Especially since they were everywhere in the cave.

"Ah." He said. Anselma's eyes flashed. "I'm going to gut him from naval to gullet, tie him to a tree using his intestines, and leave him for the birds to feed on." She snarled viciously. Everyone shifted away from her.

"Yeah," Tony said grabbing her by her shoulders. "Let's not do that." She brushed off his hold and strode into her room. "He's going to pay." She hissed. "And before we're done he's going to be begging for mercy." The Avengers jumped as her door slammed shut. "Well Clint's fucked." Tony stated casually.
Day Two:
Honestly Clint should have expected it. It was so predictable Anselma was disappointed it actually worked.

Clint was in the shower (again obvious) when the alert for a fire blasted throughout his room. Freaking out he raced from the tower and into the street. He ran in front of a school bus and lurched to a stop. The kids stared at him in shock. With a jolt Clint realized why.

He was naked. And now some little kids were traumatized by him. Oh shit. Fury was going to kill him.
Day Three:
The moment Anselma entered the empty living room she was hit. Several balloons filled with paint hit her and covered her head to toe with purple paint. Seconds later the vent above her opened and a pile of feathers (hawk feathers) fell on her. She stood there for a long while upset at not seeing this coming. Clint's laughter echoed through the vents.

Bruce, Steve, Thor, and Loki went to investigate. They didn't know quite how to react to the sight of Anselma. They were wise enough to keep in their laughter until she was out of earshot.
*******************************Day Four:
Clint woke to a dozen six inch AIs laying in his bed. He maintains that his scream was very manly indeed. And that Thor's mission to "come to the aid of Lady Natasha" was a bit uncalled for. Especially since Natasha's floor was two floors below his. It's not his fault he had a deep deep fear of AIs.

So Anselma could go fall off a cliff for bringing out that fear for all he was concerned.

And no Thor those were not tears. His eyes just happened to be bright when he first woke up. Clint was a bit upset when he realized that the baby machines were programmed with the evil intentions to follow him everywhere.

And no Steve he was not trying to escape them by crawling through the vents; he was just testing to see if they could follow. They could.
Day Five:
Anselma had been in her lab half an hour before Clint put his prank into play. All the doors locked and every vent opened. Neon orange foam filled every inch of the room. It took her six hours to clean up. She wasn't impressed. She spent the rest of her day planning for the next day.
Day Six:
The Avengers were called out to take care of a few doombots in Central Park when Clint found out what Anselma had planned. He was using his favorite bow and every time he pulled back the string a small jolt of electricity rippled through his arm. By the time the Avengers got back home his arm was numb. Anselma just smirked as he walked in the door. He most certainly did not pout at that.
Day Seven:
Anselma opened her closet to find all of her clothes missing. Nothing but S.H.I.E.L.D. uniforms in their place. A few days after ranting for hours about how much she hated the uniforms. What made it worse was that there was a charity event that night. And she had no choice but to go. Simply because Tony had to.

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