Interrogations: Loki

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-At the same time Thor kidnapped Tony-
It had been decided that Loki should stay behind as they weren't certain how his magic would interact with the bots. Anselma and him sat and listened to the groups chatter about the battle. She laughed at Tony's comments while Loki smiled fondly. When she heard Tony's exclamation to Thor she reached over and turned the comm. off. Loki shot her a questioning look.

She turned sideways on the couch to face him head on. "Why do you want to date my Papa?" She said point blank. Loki blinked at her in surprise. "I am intrigued by him. He is so amazing. So... smart, funny, and kind. He is hvatvetna to me..." Anselma smiled happily at Loki's sappy expression. "Okay." She said and turned back on the comm. in time to hear Tony's parting words. She shared a look of confusion with Loki.

They sat in silence waiting for the others to get back. Tony was the first to arrive. He was scowling and muttering angrily under his breath. Loki moved forward to greet him and the moment Tony saw him his expression lifted. Anselma smiled at that and quietly slipped from the room. She could always threaten Loki with bodily harm if he hurt her Papa later. Right now her Papa needed him to calm down. And if just seeing Loki caused Tony to look like that then everything was just fine.
hvatvetna: everything

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