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Anselma watched Tony as he tinkered with a few upgrades for the suit. "Papa?" She asked when he wasn't holding anything dangerous. "Hmm." Tony hummed while studying his blueprints. "How can you tell when a boy likes you?" Tony jerked up and fixed Anselma with an intense stare. "He can't. He doesn't. You're only seventeen." Anselma smiled at him. "I know Papa. I'm just curious." Tony narrowed his eyes. Sitting back in his chair, he crossed his arms, and forced a casual look. On the outside he looked completely relaxed. On the inside was pure panic.

Oh god, oh god. He thought. She's talking about boys. Not my baby. She's too young. I'll kill anyone who touches her. Oh god, what if she wants to discuss the talk. I'm so screwed. Anselma stared expectantly at him. When he didn't answer she sighed.

"If someone likes you do they, I don't know, use any excuse to touch you, or smile at everything you do even if it's stupid, or sit closer than normal, or always watch you when you're in the same room together, or laugh at-" She stopped talking when Tony stood and pulled her tightly into his arms. "You're too young. You're too young." He murmured. "He's too old for you." Anselma's brows furrowed. "Who is?"

"Loki." Anselma laughed and pushed him away lightly. "I don't have a crush on Loki. You do!" Tony didn't know what to say to that. "What?" He finally asked. Anselma smiled at him. "You finally like someone. Like really like them." She jumped up and down in excitement. Tony scoffed. " I don't have a crush on Loki Selm." She stopped jumping and looked at him with blatant disbelief.

"What's your favorite color?" She asked. Tony looked puzzled but answered wanting to know where to conversation was going. "Red." Anselma smiled and jumped to sit on his table. "And Loki's?" Tony didn't even have to think about it. "Green." Her smile widened. Tony moved to sit next to her. "What's your favorite meal?" Tony wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close. "Pizza."

"And Loki's?" Tony shrugged. "Some weird Asgardian shit he magics up." Anselma laughed at that. "And when he doesn't use magic?" Tony only thought for a few seconds. "Pasta." Anselma nodded. "What's Loki's favorite movie?" Tony smiled at that. "Transformers."

"And his favorite song?" Tony answered without hesitation. "Rock of Ages." Shaking her head at him Anselma nudged him. "So let me get this straight," she said while jumping up and turning to face him. "You know Loki's favorite color, meal, movie, and song?" Tony opened his mouth to respond but Anselma didn't give him the chance. "And you know all that after only knowing him for one month?" Tony's eyes darted around as he thought about that. "Yes..." He said slowly. "So what are you going to do about it?" Tony looked startled at that question. "Nothing." He said quickly. "Absolutely nothing."

Anselma sighed before grabbing him by his ear, yanked him off the table, and dragged him out of the lab. "Ow, ow, ow, ow!" Tony said. "What the hell are you doing?" She didn't bother answering him. Tony kept grumbling under his breath until Anselma released him. Looking up he saw he was in the library with Loki. The door closed behind him as his meddling daughter disappeared.

Just as he hoped to escape since Loki looked to be absorbed in whatever book he was reading, the god looked up and met his eyes. "Uh, hey Lokes." Tony said, rubbing the back of his neck and looking down. "Do you mind if I join you?" Loki smiled at him. "Not at all Tony." He gestured to the seat next to him. Tony swallowed and sat. Great. He thought. What now?

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