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Loki waited patiently for Tony to speak. It took him thirty-five minutes and sixteen seconds to talk. Loki knows because he counted. But its okay because he waited. Patiently, in case you missed it the first time.

"So," Tony began, clearing his throat before finally looking at Loki again. "What are you reading?" Loki lifted the book high enough for Tony to see the title. Norse Mythology he read. "I am curious as to why you would have such a book." Loki said conversationally. Tony relaxed into his seat, sensing an easy topic to discuss. "I bought it when Anselma was six." At Loki's curious expression he explained. "She was doing odd things and I needed answers. I was a bit desperate. That book was the only one that actually helped." Loki raised an eyebrow at that. "What odd things?" He asked only one of the few questions he had.

Tony bit his lip and slouched a little in his chair. Loki's eyes zeroed in on Tony's mouth before traveling the length of his body. Tony didn't notice as he was looking up at the ceiling to avoid having to keep eye contact with the intimidating god. "Things like floating in a green bubble of energy and making things float. You know things like that." Tony waved his hand aimlessly in Loki's direction.

Suddenly he had all of Loki's attention. "Did it look like this?" He asked eagerly as he flicked his hand and a small green ball of light hovered above his palm. Tony leaned forward and studied it for a moment. "Yeah." He nodded. "Kind of like that." Loki smiled. "So your daughter is a magic user." Tony nodded, a proud look on his face. "Did she get it from you?" Tony shot him an strange look. "No, why would you think that?" Loki glanced at his chest. "You carry magic with you. I assumed you were a sorcerer." Tony looked down to his arc reactor which shone brightly out his undershirt.

"This isn't magic. It's science. I built it." Loki eyed him. "If that is so than your science comes as close to magic as is possible." Tony sat in thought for a moment. "So Anselma got her magic from her mother then?" Tony glanced to Loki to see him flipping absentmindedly through the book. "I wouldn't know," Tony said. "I never met her." Loki frowned in puzzlement. "Then how...?" Tony laughed at his expression.

"Anselma is my adopted daughter. I met her when she was four. I adopted her not long after..." Tony trailed off as he got lost in his memories. Loki watched his open face with a soft smile. "Does it matter to you that she's not truly yours?" He asked, pulling Tony out of his thoughts.

"Anselma is mine in all but blood. And when it comes down to it blood doesn't matter all that much." Tony said looking Loki in the eye. "She was an orphan stuck in the middle of a warzone. A prisoner of a terror group. She saved me and I saved her. I may not be her biological father but know in my eyes Anselma is mine." He said fiercely. Loki was stunned by how passionate Tony was. "Will you tell me about her?" He asked. Loki loved the way Tony's eyes lit up as he spoke of his daughter.

Of how smart and kind she was. Of how she didn't believe in quitting, never hesitated to do the right thing, and always stuck up for the underdog. And how she didn't like her foods to touch.. And that she was allergic to every fruit but still ate apples and oranges. And-

"She wrinkles her nose when she's really happy. And she throws her head back to laugh when she's really really happy. And she sings in the shower really loud and she hums when she's nervous or worried. She dances when she's excited and-"

Loki couldn't help it, he just had to kiss the rambling mortal. The mortal he could truly fall for. Tony was actually blushing when Loki pulled back. Loki chuckled. "What was that for?" Tony asked bowing his head in embarrassment. Loki gave him a soft smile. "For being you." Tony flushed deeper at that. "Anthony," Tony's head snapped up at the use of his first name. "I would very much like to court you. Would you be amendable to that?" Tony smiled brightly at Loki. "I would like that very much."

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