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Anselma hugged her knees to her chest as Tony thrashed in the bed, fighting against Loki. Tears poured freely down her cheeks as he screamed himself hoarse. "No! Stick to the plan!" His back arched off the bed. A soft sob escaped Anselma's lips as she felt helpless to help her Papa. Loki did his best to hold down Tony so he didn't hurt himself while trying not to hurt the mortal at the same time. It was difficult.

"Yinsen!" Loki cringed at the force of Tony's yell. "Tony, please." He whispered desperately into Tony's ear. "Come back to us."
Tony was trapped in the suit, helpless to stop Yinsen as he grabbed the dead terrorist's gun and ran from the room. "No! Stick to the plan!" He yelled after him but Yinsen didn't listen. Tony urged the suit to hurry and finish powering up. The moment the bar hit 100% Tony was rushing after his friend. He took down any terrorist that stood in his way. He froze when he finally found Yinsen. He was laying on the ground, bleeding out from a gunshot wound. "Yinsen!" He shouted. "Look out." Yinsen called feebly. Tony looked back to see someone firing a missile at him. He ducked down just in time for it to miss. He fired back before hurrying to Yinsen's side. "Stark," the man forced out. "Tony, please." A familiar voice whispered in his ear. "Don't waste it." Yinsen coughed up a small trickle of blood. "Come back to us." Tony jerked, confusion filling him. "Don't waste your life."
Tony woke with a gasp. A strong pair of arms encircled him and held him so lovingly he broke. Tears fell down his cheeks as sobs wracked his frame. Soft hands brushed his tears away gently.

A quiet hum captured his attention. Gradually he relaxed. The sobs quieted and the tears slowed. Taking in his surroundings he saw Loki holding him as Anselma hummed and ran her hands through his hair. She gave him a watery smile before crawling to his other side and wrapping him in her arms too. Tony closed his eyes and allowed sleep to claim him knowing the two most important people in his life would watch over him. He didn't have anymore flashbacks that night.

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