Prank War: Week Two

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Day Eight:
Clint most certainly did not jump in the air when a full body Iron Man suit walked up and said hello to him. And he honestly had no idea how he ended up in Steve's arms. Steve must have grabbed him in fear of the damn machine suddenly appearing. Clint had nothing to do with it. Nope, no way.

He spent his day constantly looking over his shoulder for the damn suit. For being so big he never actually saw it coming. It would pop up randomly and talk to him. As if it was human. For hours.

And nope Anselma, this little prank didn't frighten him. He always flinched before turning corners and jumped at every noise. After all he had lived with Natasha for a while. And really Tasha was the slap necessary?
Day Nine:
Anselma was walking into the living room to join the team for movie night. The only ones missing were Clint, Loki, and Thor. "Hey guys!" She greeted them heading for the only empty couch. Just as she reached the middle of the room Clint rolled from the back of the couch, pulled back the string for his bow, and let an arrow fly. It landed at Anselma's feet and she was lost in a cloud of smoke. Coughing, she emerged. Glaring at Clint she raised a finger to point at him and stopped.

"Clint," she asked calmly. "Did you just dye my skin blue?" Clint began backing away from the angry teen. "Uh, no." He said. The team had never seen Clint run so fast when Anselma threw a dagger from who knows where (and honestly they gave up finding out years ago) since they knew him.

Loki walked in and just stared at Anselma. Her skin was the exact shade blue as his true skin. For a moment he saw what his little girl would look like and his heart hurt. Tony, spotting Loki's look, quickly called him over to join them in watching Transformers. Who knew, he might actually get some ideas watching the movies. And if Loki sat a little closer to him than necessary he wasn't going to complain.
Day Ten:
Clint has no idea how Anselma pulled off her next trick without waking him. And he wouldn't have even noticed if she hadn't took a picture and put it on the fridge. Although Tony's chuckles and Tasha's outright laughter might have tipped him off. If not Bruce's smile, Steve's twitching lips, and the Asgardian's bemusement would have. Maybe. Whatever, the picture got his attention, okay?

And he had to say he could pull off bubble gum pink hair. Although he could do without the make up. And where did she even get the make up? She didn't wear any. Neither did Tasha. Maybe Pepper...
Day Eleven:
Things escalated when they were called to the Helicarrier to debrief on the Asgardian's adjustments to Midgard. Anselma was chatting happily with Loki about magic when Clint gave Thor a sign.

Clint grabbed Anselma mid-step and tossed her over the side if the aircraft. Anselma screamed in surprise. Just as she began to panic, along with everyone else, Thor jumped after her. Effortlessly he caught her and swung his hammer to fly back up to the others. Anselma was shaking and trying to get her breath back.
"Barton,"she panted. "You're dead." Clint laughed, thinking he was safe on the carrier, only to turn and face an unimpressed Fury and angry Coulson. Damn it.
Day Fourteen:
Clint should have known Anselma was up to something. But after two days he had let his guard down. Because everyone knew Anselma had no patience. At all. For anything. He truly believed he was safe from retaliation.

So for him to wake up on the statue of liberty's head with a circle of AI robots just standing and staring at him with red eyes he felt justified for his initial reaction. Which was to scream and leapt over the bots off the statue. He really didn't think it through. And Anselma really, sending Thor to catch him. Really? And how did Thor know he was going to jump... Of course Anselma knew how he was going react. Because, naturally, she recorded everything. And put it online. Just great...
Day Fifteen:
Tony declared the prank war over. Because he hadn't been invited. And no way was he choosing a winner. He didn't care if everyone else said Anselma was the champion. He ruled no one won because it wasn't really a war without him. Clint agreed completely. If only to ensure he didn't lose.

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