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It had been a week since Tony had his flashback.

The reactor was in perfect condition thanks to Loki and Tony hadn't felt this good since before Afghanistan. Everyone would have been thrilled if Tony hadn't locked himself in the lab for the whole week. The only thing that stopped them from barging down there and busting in was the fact Anselma and Loki were with him.

Anselma would pop out every now and then to get coffee or food. She wouldn't answer any of their questions. She would just walk around with a blank look, worrying them. At the two week mark, Steve and Thor took turns knocking. There was never an answer. Clint took to lurking beside the door.

At the three week mark they were all worried enough that they felt justified for what they did.

Tony jumped a foot in the air when a giant green fist broke through the lab door. Loki looked greatly confused. Anselma just sighed, having expected something like this to happen at any moment.

Looking out the hole she saw everyone standing there. Everyone. She saw Steve, Thor, Bruce, Natasha, and Clint grouped together. Behind them stood Fury and Coulson. Again she wasn't surprised. Tony was. Especially when Anselma dragged Loki out the room with a "Good luck Papa Bear. Me and your man crush are going for a nap. We're out."

"Uh," Tony gulped. "Hi?"
Hulk lumbered forward slowly and grabbed Tony. He lifted him and hugged him tightly to his chest like a baby. Tony knew better than to even try struggling. Effectively trapped he had no choice but to listen to what everyone had to say.

Thor went first. "Man of Iron," he said solemnly. "You are my bróðir now. I simply wish for you to know that if you ever have need of anything you may come to me. I shall always be here for you." Once done he reached up and patted Tony's foot before leaving.

Natasha took one step forward. "You're family." She said simply before following Thor. Clint didn't bother moving. "We trust you. Trust us." He shrugged. Tony swallowed and looked down to the floor, uncomfortable with all the emotions he was feeling.

Steve stared hard at him before speaking. "You brought us together and fixed us." He said earnestly. "Let us fix you." He left pulling Clint with him.

Coulson was frowning up at Tony who was still looking anywhere but at the people in the room. "Next time come to us." He told him seriously. "Or I'll taze you and watch a supernanny marathon." He spun on his heal and stalked away, flicking his tazer on and off threateningly.

Fury kept silent until Tony looked up to see if he had left. "You are a vital part to this team Stark." His voice was deep with hidden emotion. "As your godfather I'm asking you to please let people in." He was gone before Tony could come up with a response.

"What about you big guy?" Tony mumbled glancing up at Hulk. Hulk growled softly. "Hulk's iron baby." He rumbled, patting Tony's head gently. Tony huffed a teary laugh. "Yeah, love you too big guy."
bróðir: brother

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